Refer turtle trading or donchian channel for better use of this AFL
pds = 20;
MAFAST = EMA( Close, 20 );
MASLOW = EMA( Close, 40 );
DonchianUpper = HHV( Ref( H, -1 ), pds );
DonchianLower = LLV( Ref( L, -1 ), pds );
DonchianMiddle = ( DonchianUpper + DonchianLower ) / 2;
UpTrend = C > ( LLV( L, 20 ) + 2 * ATR( 10 ) ) AND EMA( Close, 20 ) > EMA( Close, 40 );
DnTrend = C < ( HHV( H, 20 ) - 2 * ATR( 10 ) ) AND EMA( Close, 20 ) < EMA( Close, 40 );
Color = IIf( UpTrend, colorBlue, IIf( DnTrend, colorOrange, colorCustom11 ) );
Plot( C, "Price", Color, styleBar | styleThick );
Plot( DonchianUpper, "Donchian U", ParamColor( "DU Color", colorBlue ), ParamStyle( "DU Style", styleLine ) );
Plot( DonchianMiddle, "Donchian M", ParamColor( "DM Color", colorBrightGreen ), ParamStyle( "DM Style", styleNoLine ) );
Plot( DonchianLower, "Donchian L", ParamColor( "DL Color", colorRed ), ParamStyle( "DL Style", styleLine ) );
Title = WriteVal( DonchianUpper, 1.2 ) + WriteVal( DonchianLower, 1.2 ) + WriteVal( DonchianMiddle, 1.2 );
Buy = High > Ref( HHV( High, 20 ), -1 ) AND MAFAST > MASLOW;
Short = Low < Ref( LLV( Low, 20 ), -1 ) AND MAFAST < MASLOW;
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Chandelier Exit" );
SetBarsRequired( 50, 50 );
Multiple = Param( "Multiple", 3, 0.5, 10, 0.1 );
ATRPeriods = Param( "ATR Periods", 20, 1, 50, 1 );
stopArray = Null;
atrArray = ATR( ATRPeriods );
HHArray = Null;
LLArray = Null;
exitArray = Null;
trendDirection = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
if ( Short[i] )
stopArray[i] = Low[i] + ( Multiple * atrArray[i] );
LLArray[i] = Low[i];
trendDirection = 0 - 1;
if ( Buy[i] )
stopArray[i] = High[i] - ( Multiple * atrArray[i] );
HHArray[i] = High[i];
trendDirection = 1;
exitArray[i] = 0;
if ( trendDirection > 0 )
if ( trendDirection > 1 )
if ( Low[i] < stopArray[i-1] )
trendDirection = 0;
exitArray[i] = 1;
if ( High[i] > HHArray[i-1] )
HHArray[i] = High[i];
HHArray[i] = HHArray[i-1];
stopArray[i] = HHArray[i] - ( Multiple * atrArray[i] );
trendDirection = trendDirection + 1;
if ( trendDirection < 0 )
if ( trendDirection < 0 - 1 )
if ( High[i] > stopArray[i-1] )
trendDirection = 0;
exitArray[i] = 0 - 1;
if ( Low[i] < LLArray[i-1] )
LLArray[i] = Low[i];
LLArray[i] = LLArray[i-1];
stopArray[i] = LLArray[i] + ( Multiple * atrArray[i] );
trendDirection = trendDirection - 1;
if ( trendDirection == 0 )
stopArray[i] = 0;
LLArray[i] = 0;
HHArray[i] = 0;
Sell = Cover = exitarray;
Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );
Short = ExRem( Short, Cover );
Cover = ExRem( Cover, Short );
PlotShapes( Buy*shapeUpArrow, colorBrightGreen, 0, Low );
PlotShapes( Short*shapeDownArrow, colorRed, 0, High );
PlotShapes( abs( exitArray )*shapeHollowCircle, colorYellow, 0, ValueWhen( stopArray, stopArray, 1 ), 0 );
Plot( stopArray, "Chand", ParamColor( "Chand Color:", colorYellow ), ParamStyle( "Chand Style", styleDashed ) );
_N( Title = EncodeColor( colorYellow ) + StrFormat( "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} - {{DATE}}--Turtle_System_Rev_A \n OP= %g Hi= %g Lo= %g CL= %g (%.1f%%) \n Vol= " + WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) + "\n" + " {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ) );//=cnb
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
The Great AFL
It creates Top and bottom with Candle colors. If Top occurs then it forms black colored candle . Similarly bottom start with White colored candles.
One of the best AFL.
upbar = C > Ref( H, -1 );
downbar = C < Ref( L, -1 );
/* Colourized price bars drawn here */
Graph0 = Close;
Graph0Style = 128;
barcolor = IIf( downbar, 4, IIf( upbar, 5, 1 ) );
Graph0BarColor = ValueWhen( barcolor != 0, barcolor );
// Only allowed in recent Beta
//SetBarFillColor = ValueWhen( barcolor != 0, barcolor );
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g,
Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle |
ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
One of the best AFL.
upbar = C > Ref( H, -1 );
downbar = C < Ref( L, -1 );
/* Colourized price bars drawn here */
Graph0 = Close;
Graph0Style = 128;
barcolor = IIf( downbar, 4, IIf( upbar, 5, 1 ) );
Graph0BarColor = ValueWhen( barcolor != 0, barcolor );
// Only allowed in recent Beta
//SetBarFillColor = ValueWhen( barcolor != 0, barcolor );
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g,
Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle |
ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Bollinger Band Breakout on Squeeze
Price = EMA(Close, Length);
// Keltner
kLength = Length;
kN = 1.5;
kATR = ATR(kLength);
kUpper = Price + kN * kATR;
kLower = Price - kN * kATR;
GfxSetTextAlign( 1 );// center alignment
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed ) ;
GfxSetBkMode(0); // transparent
GfxSelectFont("From Cartoon Blocks", Status("pxheight")/12 );
GfxTextOut( "", Status("pxwidth")/2, Status("pxheight")/3 );
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
// Bollinger
bbLength = Length;
bbN = 2;
bbStDevValues = StDev(Close, bbLength);
bbUpper = Price + bbN * bbStDevValues;
bbLower = Price - bbN * bbStDevValues;
IsBBSqueeze = bbUpper <= kUpper AND bbLower >= kLower;
Proportion = (kUpper - kLower) / (bbUpper - bbLower);
BBBreakout = Cross(1,Proportion);
Periods = Param("BBPeriods", 14, 2, 300, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorCycle );
Style = ParamStyle("Style");
bbtop=BBandTop( C, Periods, Width );
bbbot=BBandBot( C, Periods, Width );
Plot(bbtop, "", Color, Style );
Plot(bbbot , "", Color, Style );
PlotOHLC( bbtop,bbtop, bbbot,bbbot, "",IIf(IsBBSqueeze,colorYellow,colorLightGrey), styleCloud|styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Null, -1 );
Filter = BBBreakout AND V>50000 AND C>30;
AddColumn(BBBreakout, "BB Breakout", 1, colorWhite, IIf(BBBreakout==1, colorBlue, colorWhite));
//set default sorting to Date/time in descending order in results window
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Pin Bar AFL
GraphXSpace = 15;
SetBarFillColor(IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Candle UP Color", colorGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Candle Down Color", colorRed),colorLightGrey)));
Plot(C,"\nPrice",IIf(C>O,ParamColor("Wick UP Color", colorDarkGreen),IIf(C<=O,ParamColor("Wick Down Color", colorDarkRed),colorLightGrey)),64,0,0,0,0);
dec = (Param("Decimals",2,0,7,1)/10)+1;
Title = EncodeColor(80)+ Title = Name() + " " + EncodeColor(32) + Date() +
" " + EncodeColor(5) + "{{INTERVAL}} " +
EncodeColor(99)+ " Open = "+ EncodeColor(99)+ WriteVal(O,dec) +
EncodeColor(99)+ " High = "+ EncodeColor(5) + WriteVal(H,dec) +
EncodeColor(99)+ " Low = "+ EncodeColor(32)+ WriteVal(L,dec) +
EncodeColor(99)+ " Close = "+ EncodeColor(99)+ WriteVal(C,dec)+
EncodeColor(99)+ " Volume = "+ EncodeColor(99)+ WriteVal(V,1);
MaxNoseBodySize = 0.33; // Max. Body / Candle length ratio of the Nose Bar
NoseBodyPosition = 0.4; // Body position in Nose Bar (e.g. top/bottom 40%)
LeftEyeOppositeDirection = True; // true = Direction of Left Eye Bar should be opposite to pattern (bearish bar for bullish Pinbar pattern and vice versa)
NoseSameDirection = False; // true = Direction of Nose Bar should be the same as of pattern (bullish bar for bullish Pinbar pattern and vice versa)
NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody = False; // true = Nose Body should be contained inside Left Eye Body
LeftEyeMinBodySize = 0.1; // Min. Body / Candle length ratio of the Left Eye Bar
NoseProtruding = 0.5; // Minmum protrusion of Nose Bar compared to Nose Bar length
NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody = 1; // Maximum relative size of the Nose Bar Body to Left Eye Bar Body
NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength = 0; // Minimum relative size of the Nose Bar Length to Left Eye Bar Length
LeftEyeDepth = 0.2; // Minimum relative depth of the Left Eye to its length; depth is difference with Nose's back
up=down =0;
point = 0.1;
NoseLength = High[i] - Low[i];
if (NoseLength == 0) NoseLength = Point;
LeftEyeLength = High[i - 1] - Low[i - 1];
if (LeftEyeLength == 0) LeftEyeLength = Point;
NoseBody = abs(Open[i] - Close[i]);
if (NoseBody == 0) NoseBody = point;
LeftEyeBody = abs(Open[i - 1] - Close[i - 1]);
if (LeftEyeBody == 0) LeftEyeBody = point;
// Bearish Pinbar
if (High[i] - High[i - 1] >= NoseLength * NoseProtruding) // Nose protrusion
if (NoseBody / NoseLength <= MaxNoseBodySize) // Nose body to candle length ratio
if (1 - (High[i] - Max(Open[i], Close[i])) / NoseLength < NoseBodyPosition) // Nose body position in bottom part of the bar
if ((!LeftEyeOppositeDirection) || (Close[i - 1] > Open[i - 1])) // Left Eye bullish if required
if ((!NoseSameDirection) || (Close[i] < Open[i])) // Nose bearish if required
if (LeftEyeBody / LeftEyeLength >= LeftEyeMinBodySize) // Left eye body to candle length ratio
if ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= High[i - 1]) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Low[i - 1])) // Nose body inside Left Eye bar
if (NoseBody / LeftEyeBody <= NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody) // Nose body to Left Eye body ratio
if (NoseLength / LeftEyeLength >= NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength) // Nose length to Left Eye length ratio
if (Low[i] - Low[i - 1] >= LeftEyeLength * LeftEyeDepth) // Left Eye low is low enough
if ((!NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody) || ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= Max(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Min(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])))) // Nose body inside Left Eye body if required
Down[i] = High[i] + 5 * Point + NoseLength / 5;
// Bullish Pinbar
if (Low[i - 1] - Low[i] >= NoseLength * NoseProtruding) // Nose protrusion
if (NoseBody / NoseLength <= MaxNoseBodySize) // Nose body to candle length ratio
if (1 - (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) - Low[i]) / NoseLength < NoseBodyPosition) // Nose body position in top part of the bar
if ((!LeftEyeOppositeDirection) || (Close[i - 1] < Open[i - 1])) // Left Eye bearish if required
if ((!NoseSameDirection) || (Close[i] > Open[i])) // Nose bullish if required
if (LeftEyeBody / LeftEyeLength >= LeftEyeMinBodySize) // Left eye body to candle length ratio
if ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= High[i - 1]) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Low[i - 1])) // Nose body inside Left Eye bar
if (NoseBody / LeftEyeBody <= NoseBodyToLeftEyeBody) // Nose body to Left Eye body ratio
if (NoseLength / LeftEyeLength >= NoseLengthToLeftEyeLength) // Nose length to Left Eye length ratio
if (High[i - 1] - High[i] >= LeftEyeLength * LeftEyeDepth) // Left Eye high is high enough
if ((!NoseBodyInsideLeftEyeBody) || ((Max(Open[i], Close[i]) <= Max(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])) && (Min(Open[i], Close[i]) >= Min(Open[i - 1], Close[i - 1])))) // Nose body inside Left Eye body if required
Up[i] = Low[i] - 5 * Point - NoseLength / 5;
for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
if(blpin[i] ) PlotText( " " , i, L[ i ]-2.5, colorLime );
if(brpin[i] ) PlotText( " bear pin" , i, H[ i ]+2.5, colorOrange );
PlotShapes(shapeHollowSmallSquare*brpin,4,0,H ,5);
PlotShapes(shapeHollowSmallSquare*blpin,5,0,L ,-5);
Filter= Blpin OR brpin;
AddColumn(blpin,"bull pin",1.2);
Addcolumn(brpin,"bear pin",1.2);
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
This consists of many indicators and given the level of meter with signals.
_SECTION_BEGIN("Chart Settings");
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer Panel",colorBlack));
SetChartBkGradientFill(ParamColor("Upper Chart",colorDarkTeal),ParamColor("Lower Chart",colorBlack));
dec = (Param("Decimals",2,0,7,1)/10)+1;
bi = BarIndex();
Lbi = LastValue(BarIndex());
sbi = SelectedValue(bi);
x1= BarCount-1;
Title = EncodeColor(55)+ Title = Name() + " " + EncodeColor(32) + Date() +
" " + EncodeColor(5) + "{{INTERVAL}} " +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Open = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(O,dec) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " High = "+ EncodeColor(5) + WriteVal(H,dec) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Low = "+ EncodeColor(32)+ WriteVal(L,dec) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Close = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(C,dec)+
EncodeColor(55)+ " Volume = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(V,1);
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
DayH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1);// yesterdays high
DayL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1);//low
DayC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1);//close
DayO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily);// current day open
HiDay = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily);
LoDay = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily);
PP = (DayH + DayL + DayO + DayO) / 4 ;
R1 = (2 * PP) - DayL;
S1 = (2 * PP) - DayH;
R2 = PP + R1 - S1;
S2 = PP + S1 - R1;
R3 = R2 + (R1 - PP);
S3 = S2 - (PP - S1);
style = styleLine | styleThick + styleNoRescale;
rcolor = colorBlue;
scolor = colorRed;
pcolor = colorGreen;
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorRed) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",20,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",420,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+s1,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorRed) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",20,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",480,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+s2,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorRed) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",20,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",540,300,600,600);
GfxTextOut(""+s3,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",150,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",420,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+r1,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",150,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",480,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+r2,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",150,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",540,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+r3,Hor , Ver );
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 8, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorLightBlue );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorLightBlue) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",0,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",580,100,50,50);
GfxTextOut(" R O C K E T J E T",Hor , Ver );
Title =
EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ Title = Name () + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorYellow) + Date() + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "O : "+ EncodeColor(colorLightGrey)+ O + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "H : "+ EncodeColor(colorLightGrey)+ H + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "L : "+ EncodeColor(colorLightGrey)+ L + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "C : "+ WriteIf(C> Ref(C, -1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ C + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "Change : ("+ WriteIf(C> Ref(C, -1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed)) + WriteVal(C-Ref(C,-1))+" Rs."
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ " /"+ WriteIf(C> Ref(C, -1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal( ROC( C, 1 ))+""+ " % "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ ") | Volume : " + WriteIf(V> Ref(V, -1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(V,1)
Show_color = ParamToggle("Display CandleColor", "No|Yes", 1);
r1 = Param( "ColorFast avg", 5, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "ColorSlow avg", 10, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "ColorSignal avg", 5, 2, 200, 1 );
Prd1=Param("ATR Period",4,1,20,1);
Prd2=Param("Look Back",7,1,20,1);
green = HHV(LLV(L,Prd1)+ATR(Prd1),Prd2);
red = LLV(HHV(H,Prd1)-ATR(Prd1),Prd2);
flowerClose = EMA((Open+High+Low+Close)/4,3) ;
flowerOpen = EMA((Ref(Open,-1) + Ref(flowerClose,-1))/2,3);
Temp = Max(High, flowerOpen);
flowerHigh = EMA(Max(Temp, flowerClose),3);
Temp = Min(Low,flowerOpen);
flowerLow = EMA(Min(Temp, flowerClose),3);
mycolor=IIf(m1<0 AND m1>s1, colorYellow,IIf(m1>0 AND
m1>s1,colorWhite,IIf(m1>0 AND m1<s1,colorDarkYellow,colorRed)));
ColorHighliter = myColor;
SetBarFillColor( ColorHighliter );
barColor=IIf(C>Green ,colorWhite,IIf(C < RED,colorRed,colorWhite));
PlotOHLC( IIf(flowerOpen<flowerClose, flowerOpen,
flowerClose),flowerHigh,flowerLow,IIf(flowerOpen<flowerClose, flowerClose,
flowerOpen), "Close", barColor, styleNoTitle | styleCandle);
SupResB =Param("Sup-Res Short",6,0,100,1);
ParmCloud = ParamToggle("Cloud", "No|Yes", 0);
Daysback1 = Line2;
FirstBar1 = BarCount - DaysBack1;
BandRes=IIf(BarIndex() >= Firstbar1,EndValue(Res2),Null);
BandSup=IIf(BarIndex() >= Firstbar1,EndValue(Sup2),Null);
if(parmCloud == 1)
PlotOHLC( CS, CS, CR,CR, "Band",BoxCloudColor, styleCloud | styleNoLabel|styleNoTitle);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Breakout Setting");
Buyperiods=Param("Breakout periods best is usually 18",5,1,100,1,1);
Sellperiods=Param("Exit Breakout",5,1,100,1,1);
HaClose =EMA((O+H+L+C)/4,3); // Woodie
//HaClose =(O+H+L+C)/4;
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
Buy= C>Ref(HHV(High,Buyperiods),-1) ;
Sell= C<Ref(LLV(Low,Sellperiods),-1);
/* exrem is one method to remove surplus strade signals. It removes excessive signals of arrow */
Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);
PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSmallUpTriangle, shapeNone ), colorWhite, layer = 0,yposition = HaLow, offset = -30);
//PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorWhite, layer = 0,yposition = HaLow, offset = -8);
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeSmallDownTriangle, shapeNone ), colorRed, layer = 0, yposition = HaHigh, offset = -30);
//PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorRed, layer = 0, yposition = HaHigh, offset = -8);
GrpPrm=Param("Graphic Space",-5,-10,10);
//#include <T3.AFL>;
y=Sum(sqrt((ROC(C,1)* ROC(C,1))+1),pds);
rsidn=pfe <-10 AND pfe<Ref(pfe,-1);
rsiup=pfe >10 AND pfe>Ref(pfe,-1);
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"cu", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 120 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( rsiresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,90,0) );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(90,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxCircle( 100,90,50 );
//GfxRoundRect( 15,305,135,215, 5, 5 );
GfxCircle( 100,100,70 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Schaff Trend Cycle");
Ported directly from original STC Tradestation code
results differ from other Amibroker versions that are not based directly on original EasyLanguage code
//Calculate a MACD Line
XMac = MACD(MA1,MA2) ; // MACD in Amibroker always uses Close for MACD calculation
//1st Stochastic: Calculate Stochastic of a MACD
Value1 = LLV(XMac, TCLen);
Value2 = HHV(XMac, TCLen) - Value1;
//Frac1=1; // prime Frac1 to a default of 1
//Frac1 = IIf(Value2 > 0, ((XMac - Value1) / Value2) * 100, Ref(FRAC1,-1));
// have to "prime" first value so that reference to "i-1" does not result in subscript out of range
// since MACD for both periods is not defined until MA2 period, 0 seems to be mathematically correct priming value
for (i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
if (Value2[i] > 0) {
frac1[i] = ((XMac[i] - Value1[i])/Value2[i])*100;
else {
frac1[i]= frac1[i-1];
//Smoothed calculation for %FastD of MACD
for (i = 2; i < BarCount; i++) {
//2nd Stochastic: Calculate Stochastic of Smoothed Percent FastD, above.
Value3 = LLV(PF, TCLen);
Value4 = HHV(PF, TCLen) - Value3;
//%FastK of PF
Frac2 = IIf(Value4 > 0, ((PF - Value3) / Value4) * 100, Ref(FRAC2,-1));
for (i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
if (Value4[i] > 0 ) {
frac2[i]=((PF[i] - Value3[i])/Value4[i])*100;
else {
//Smoothed calculation for %FastD of PF
for (i = 2; i < BarCount; i++) {
//HT=ParamColor("HT", colorRed );
rsidn=pff <2;
rsiup=pff >98;
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"cu", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 120 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( rsiresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,120,0) );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(120,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxCircle( 100,100,60 );
//HT=ParamColor("HT", colorRed );
rsidn=RSI(7) <30;
rsiup=RSI(7) >70;
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"cu", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 120 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( rsiresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,150,0) );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(150,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxCircle( 100,100,50 );
//FT=ParamColor("FT", colorRed );
AtrupTrendCond1 = flowerClose> CS33 ;
AtrdnTrendCond1 =CS33>flowerClose ;
ATRup = WriteIf(AtrupTrendCond1,"atrup", "");
ATRdown= WriteIf( AtrdnTrendCond1,"atrdn", "");
if ( ATRup =="atrup")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,180,0) );
if (ATRdown =="atrdn")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(180,0,0));
if ( ATRdown =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 ); // broader color
GfxCircle( 100,100,40 );
//GT=ParamColor("GT", colorRed );
EntrySig = C > ( LLV( flowerLow, EntrylookbackPeriod ) + EntryATRperiod * ATR( 10 ) );
ExitSig = C < ( HHV( flowerHigh, EntrylookbackPeriod ) -EntryATRperiod * ATR( 10 ) );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
EntryB = WriteIf( EntrySig,"eu", "");
ExitB = WriteIf( ExitSig,"ed", "");
if ( EntryB =="eu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,210,0) ); //
if ( ExitB =="ed")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(210,0,0)); //
if ( ExitB =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 ); // broader color
GfxCircle( 100,100,30 );// changing the value of x,y,rad x-70, y-90, rad-24
//HT=ParamColor("HT", colorRed );
ccidn=CCI(8) < 0;
cciup=CCI(9) > 0;
ccresult1 = WriteIf( cciup,"cu", "");
ccresult2 = WriteIf( ccidn,"cd", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( ccresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,240,0) );
if ( ccresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(240,0,0));
if ( ccresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 ); // broader color
GfxCircle( 100,100,20);
//IT=ParamColor("IT", colorRed );
bbdown= x < 40;
bbup= x > 40;
bbresult1 = WriteIf( bbup,"bu", "");
bbresult2 = WriteIf( bbdown,"bd", "");
bbresult3 = WriteIf( C,"bearishrevers", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( bbresult1 =="bu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(62,255,62) );
if ( bbresult2 =="bd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,62,62) );
if ( bbresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 ); // broader color
GfxCircle( 100,100,10 );
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
rsidn=m1>0 AND m1>s1;
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
rsidn=m1<0 AND m1>s1;
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
rsidn=m1>0 AND m1<s1;
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(225,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
rsidn=m1<0 AND m1<s1;
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(225,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxSelectPen( colorRed, 1 );
GfxMoveTo( 25,320 );
GfxLineTo( 75, 370 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1 );
GfxMoveTo( 125,225 );
GfxLineTo( 175, 275 );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxCircle( 100,550,23 );
C1 = Ref(C, -1);
uc = C > C1; dc = C <= C1;
ud = C > O; dd = C <= O;
green = 1; blue = 2; yellow = 3; red = 4; white = 5;
VType = IIf(ud,
IIf(uc, green, yellow),
IIf(dc, red, blue), white));
/* green volume: up-day and up-close*/
gv = IIf(VType == green, V, 0);
/* yellow volume: up-day but down-close */
yv = IIf(VType == yellow, V, 0);
/* red volume: down-day and down-close */
rv = IIf(VType == red, V, 0);
/* blue volume: down-day but up-close */
bv = IIf(VType == blue, V, 0);
uv = gv + bv; uv1 = Ref(uv, -1); /* up volume */
dv = rv + yv; dv1 = Ref(dv, -1); /* down volume */
VolPer = Param("Adjust Vol. MA per.", 10, 1, 255, 1);
ConvPer = Param("Adjust Conv. MA per.", 4, 1, 255, 1);
MAuv = TEMA(uv, VolPer ); mauv1 = Ref(mauv, -1);
MAdv = TEMA(dv, VolPer ); madv1 = Ref(madv, -1);
MAtv = TEMA(V, VolPer );//total volume
Converge = (TEMA(MAuv - MAdv, ConvPer));
Converge1 = Ref(Converge, -1);
ConvergeUp = Converge > Converge1;
ConvergeOver = Converge > 0;
rising = ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
falling = !ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
down=Converge > 0;
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"ab", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
rsiresult3 = WriteIf( down,"ef", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
if ( rsiresult1 =="ab")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1 );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,85,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorDarkGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorDarkGreen, 1 );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxSelectPen( colorRed, 1 );
down=Converge > 0;
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"ab", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
rsiresult3 = WriteIf( down,"ef", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
if ( rsiresult1 =="ab")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1 );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,85,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorDarkGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorDarkGreen, 1 );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxSelectPen( colorRed, 1 );
GfxCircle( 100,550,22 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Average 0");
//Average_switch = ParamToggle("Candle On/off", "Off|On");
P = HaClose;
Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear
Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple
Periods = Param("Periods", 20, 2, 200 );
Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 );
m = 0;
if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods);
if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 );
if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods );
Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorLightGrey),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleThick|styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Average 1");
//Average_switch = ParamToggle("Candle On/off", "Off|On");
P = HaClose;
Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear
Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple
Periods = Param("Periods", 60, 2, 200 );
Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 );
m = 0;
if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods);
if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 );
if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods );
Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorGrey50),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Average 5");
P = HaClose;
Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear
Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple
Periods = Param("Periods", 120 ,2, 200 );
Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 );
m = 0;
if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods);
if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 );
if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods );
Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorGrey40),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Sell Average 3");
P = HaClose;
Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear
Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple
Periods = Param("Periods", 180, 2, 800 );
Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 );
m = 0;
if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods);
if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 );
if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods );
Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", ColorRGB(40,40,40)),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement );
farback=Param("How Far back to go",100,50,5000,10);
nBars = Param("Number of bars", 12, 5, 40);
aHPivs = H - H;aLPivs = L - L;
aHPivHighs = H - H;aLPivLows = L - L;aHPivIdxs = H - H;aLPivIdxs = L - L;
nHPivs = 0;nLPivs = 0;lastHPIdx = 0;lastLPIdx = 0;lastHPH = 0;lastLPL = 0;
curPivBarIdx = 0;
aHHVBars = HHVBars(H, nBars);aLLVBars = LLVBars(L, nBars);
aHHV = HHV(H, nBars);aLLV = LLV(L, nBars);
aVisBars = Status("barvisible");nLastVisBar = LastValue(Highest(IIf(aVisBars, BarIndex(), 0)));
_TRACE("Last visible bar: " + nLastVisBar);
curBar = (BarCount-1);curTrend = "";if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar]) {
curTrend = "D";}else {curTrend = "U";}
for (i=0; i<farback; i++) {curBar = (BarCount - 1) - i;
if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar]) {
if (curTrend == "U") {curTrend = "D";
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];aLPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;aLPivLows[nLPivs] = L[curPivBarIdx];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs] = curPivBarIdx;nLPivs++;}
} else {if (curTrend == "D") {curTrend = "U";curPivBarIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
aHPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;aHPivHighs[nHPivs] = H[curPivBarIdx];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs] = curPivBarIdx;nHPivs++;}} }
curBar = (BarCount-1);candIdx = 0;candPrc = 0;lastLPIdx = aLPivIdxs[0];lastLPL = aLPivLows[0];
lastHPIdx = aHPivIdxs[0];lastHPH = aHPivHighs[0];if (lastLPIdx > lastHPIdx) {
candIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];candPrc = aHHV[curBar];
if (lastHPH < candPrc AND candIdx > lastLPIdx AND candIdx < curBar) {
aHPivs[candIdx] = 1;
for (j=0; j<nHPivs; j++) {aHPivHighs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivHighs[nHPivs-(j+1)];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-(j+1)];}aHPivHighs[0] = candPrc ;
aHPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;nHPivs++;}} else {
candIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];candPrc = aLLV[curBar];if (lastLPL > candPrc AND
candIdx > lastHPIdx AND candIdx < curBar) {
aLPivs[candIdx] = 1;
for (j=0; j<nLPivs; j++) {aLPivLows[nLPivs-j] = aLPivLows[nLPivs-(j+1)];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-j] = aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-(j+1)];}aLPivLows[0] = candPrc;
aLPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;nLPivs++;}}
for (k=0; k<nHPivs; k++) {_TRACE("High pivot no. " + k
+ " at barindex: " + aHPivIdxs[k] + ", "
+ WriteVal(ValueWhen(BarIndex()==aHPivIdxs[k],
DateTime(), 1), formatDateTime)+ ", " + aHPivHighs[k]);}
x = Cum(1);s1=L;s11=H;pS = a2 == 1;
endt= SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pS, x, 1 ));
startt=SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pS, x, 2 ));dtS =endt-startt;
endS = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pS, s1, 1 ) );
startS = SelectedValue( ValueWhen( pS, s1, 2 ));aS = (endS-startS)/dtS;
bS = endS;trendlineS = aS * ( x -endt ) + bS;
g3= IIf(x>startt-10,trendlineS,-1e10);
pR = a1== 1;endt1= SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pR, x, 1 ));
startt1=SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pR, x, 2 ));
dtR =endt1-startt1;endR = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pR, s11, 1 ) );
startR = SelectedValue( ValueWhen( pR, s11, 2 ));
aR = (endR-startR)/dtR;bR = endR;
trendlineR = aR * ( x -endt1 ) + bR;
g4= IIf(x>startT1-10,trendlineR,-1e10);
bbresult1 = WriteIf( dn,"dn", "");
bbresult2 = WriteIf( up,"up", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
if ( bbresult1 =="dn")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
if ( bbresult2 =="up")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
GfxSelectPen( colorWhite, 1 );
GfxCircle( 30,229,8 );
bbresult1 = WriteIf( dn,"dn", "");
bbresult2 = WriteIf( up,"up", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
if ( bbresult1 =="dn")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
if ( bbresult2 =="up")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
GfxSelectPen( colorWhite, 1 );
GfxCircle( 168,367,8 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
GfxSelectPen( colorWhite, 1 );
GfxMoveTo( 35,234 );
GfxLineTo( 163, 362 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("traing sl");
function vstop_func(trBull,trBear)
trailArray[ 0 ] = C[ 0 ]; // initialize
for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
prev = trailArray[ i - 1 ];
if (C[ i ] > prev AND C[ i - 1 ] > prev)
trailArray[ i ] = Max(prev,C[ i ] - trBull[ i ]);
else if (C[ i ] < prev AND C[ i - 1 ] < prev)
trailArray[ i ] = Min(prev,C[ i ] + trBear[ i ]);
else if (C[ i ] > prev)
trailArray[ i ] = C[ i ] - trBull[ i ];
trailArray[ i ] = C[ i ] + trBear[ i ];
return trailArray;
per = Param("per",20, 1, 150, 1);
multBull = Param("multBull",2, 1, 4, 0.05);
multBear = Param("multBear",2, 1, 4, 0.05);
trBull = multBull * ATR(per);
trBear = multBear * ATR(per);
trailArray = vstop_func(trBull,trBear);
s1= s0 > C ;
s2= s0 <C ;
ccresult1 = WriteIf( s1,"cu", "");
ccresult2 = WriteIf( s2,"cd", "");
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorRed);
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorRed) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",30,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
if ( ccresult1 =="cu")
GfxTextOut(""+s0,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorGreen );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",75,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
if ( ccresult2 =="")
GfxTextOut(""+s0,Hor , Ver );
_SECTION_BEGIN("traing s2");
s1= s0 > C ;
s2= s0 <C ;
ccresult1 = WriteIf( s1,"cu", "");
ccresult2 = WriteIf( s2,"cd", "");
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorBrightGreen );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorBrightGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",30,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
if ( ccresult2 =="cd")
GfxTextOut(""+s0,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorWhite) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",75,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
if ( ccresult1 =="")
GfxTextOut(""+s0,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorWhite) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",120,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
GfxTextOut(""+C,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
if ( ccresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,255,0) );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,0,94) );
GfxCircle( 20,40,7 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
if ( ccresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,0,94) );
GfxCircle( 180,40,7 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Chart Settings");
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer Panel",colorBlack));
SetChartBkGradientFill(ParamColor("Upper Chart",colorDarkTeal),ParamColor("Lower Chart",colorBlack));
dec = (Param("Decimals",2,0,7,1)/10)+1;
bi = BarIndex();
Lbi = LastValue(BarIndex());
sbi = SelectedValue(bi);
x1= BarCount-1;
Title = EncodeColor(55)+ Title = Name() + " " + EncodeColor(32) + Date() +
" " + EncodeColor(5) + "{{INTERVAL}} " +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Open = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(O,dec) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " High = "+ EncodeColor(5) + WriteVal(H,dec) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Low = "+ EncodeColor(32)+ WriteVal(L,dec) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Close = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(C,dec)+
EncodeColor(55)+ " Volume = "+ EncodeColor(52)+ WriteVal(V,1);
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
DayH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1);// yesterdays high
DayL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1);//low
DayC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1);//close
DayO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily);// current day open
HiDay = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily);
LoDay = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily);
PP = (DayH + DayL + DayO + DayO) / 4 ;
R1 = (2 * PP) - DayL;
S1 = (2 * PP) - DayH;
R2 = PP + R1 - S1;
S2 = PP + S1 - R1;
R3 = R2 + (R1 - PP);
S3 = S2 - (PP - S1);
style = styleLine | styleThick + styleNoRescale;
rcolor = colorBlue;
scolor = colorRed;
pcolor = colorGreen;
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorRed) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",20,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",420,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+s1,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorRed) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",20,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",480,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+s2,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorRed) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",20,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",540,300,600,600);
GfxTextOut(""+s3,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",150,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",420,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+r1,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",150,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",480,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+r2,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 10, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",150,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",540,300,500,500);
GfxTextOut(""+r3,Hor , Ver );
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 8, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorLightBlue );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorLightBlue) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",0,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",580,100,50,50);
GfxTextOut(" R O C K E T J E T",Hor , Ver );
Title =
EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ Title = Name () + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorYellow) + Date() + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "O : "+ EncodeColor(colorLightGrey)+ O + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "H : "+ EncodeColor(colorLightGrey)+ H + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "L : "+ EncodeColor(colorLightGrey)+ L + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "C : "+ WriteIf(C> Ref(C, -1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ C + " | "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ "Change : ("+ WriteIf(C> Ref(C, -1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed)) + WriteVal(C-Ref(C,-1))+" Rs."
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ " /"+ WriteIf(C> Ref(C, -1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal( ROC( C, 1 ))+""+ " % "
+EncodeColor(colorTurquoise)+ ") | Volume : " + WriteIf(V> Ref(V, -1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(V,1)
Show_color = ParamToggle("Display CandleColor", "No|Yes", 1);
r1 = Param( "ColorFast avg", 5, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "ColorSlow avg", 10, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "ColorSignal avg", 5, 2, 200, 1 );
Prd1=Param("ATR Period",4,1,20,1);
Prd2=Param("Look Back",7,1,20,1);
green = HHV(LLV(L,Prd1)+ATR(Prd1),Prd2);
red = LLV(HHV(H,Prd1)-ATR(Prd1),Prd2);
flowerClose = EMA((Open+High+Low+Close)/4,3) ;
flowerOpen = EMA((Ref(Open,-1) + Ref(flowerClose,-1))/2,3);
Temp = Max(High, flowerOpen);
flowerHigh = EMA(Max(Temp, flowerClose),3);
Temp = Min(Low,flowerOpen);
flowerLow = EMA(Min(Temp, flowerClose),3);
mycolor=IIf(m1<0 AND m1>s1, colorYellow,IIf(m1>0 AND
m1>s1,colorWhite,IIf(m1>0 AND m1<s1,colorDarkYellow,colorRed)));
ColorHighliter = myColor;
SetBarFillColor( ColorHighliter );
barColor=IIf(C>Green ,colorWhite,IIf(C < RED,colorRed,colorWhite));
PlotOHLC( IIf(flowerOpen<flowerClose, flowerOpen,
flowerClose),flowerHigh,flowerLow,IIf(flowerOpen<flowerClose, flowerClose,
flowerOpen), "Close", barColor, styleNoTitle | styleCandle);
SupResB =Param("Sup-Res Short",6,0,100,1);
ParmCloud = ParamToggle("Cloud", "No|Yes", 0);
Daysback1 = Line2;
FirstBar1 = BarCount - DaysBack1;
BandRes=IIf(BarIndex() >= Firstbar1,EndValue(Res2),Null);
BandSup=IIf(BarIndex() >= Firstbar1,EndValue(Sup2),Null);
if(parmCloud == 1)
PlotOHLC( CS, CS, CR,CR, "Band",BoxCloudColor, styleCloud | styleNoLabel|styleNoTitle);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Breakout Setting");
Buyperiods=Param("Breakout periods best is usually 18",5,1,100,1,1);
Sellperiods=Param("Exit Breakout",5,1,100,1,1);
HaClose =EMA((O+H+L+C)/4,3); // Woodie
//HaClose =(O+H+L+C)/4;
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
Buy= C>Ref(HHV(High,Buyperiods),-1) ;
Sell= C<Ref(LLV(Low,Sellperiods),-1);
/* exrem is one method to remove surplus strade signals. It removes excessive signals of arrow */
Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);
PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSmallUpTriangle, shapeNone ), colorWhite, layer = 0,yposition = HaLow, offset = -30);
//PlotShapes( IIf( Buy, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorWhite, layer = 0,yposition = HaLow, offset = -8);
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeSmallDownTriangle, shapeNone ), colorRed, layer = 0, yposition = HaHigh, offset = -30);
//PlotShapes( IIf( Sell, shapeSmallCircle, shapeNone ), colorRed, layer = 0, yposition = HaHigh, offset = -8);
GrpPrm=Param("Graphic Space",-5,-10,10);
//#include <T3.AFL>;
y=Sum(sqrt((ROC(C,1)* ROC(C,1))+1),pds);
rsidn=pfe <-10 AND pfe<Ref(pfe,-1);
rsiup=pfe >10 AND pfe>Ref(pfe,-1);
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"cu", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 120 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( rsiresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,90,0) );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(90,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxCircle( 100,90,50 );
//GfxRoundRect( 15,305,135,215, 5, 5 );
GfxCircle( 100,100,70 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Schaff Trend Cycle");
Ported directly from original STC Tradestation code
results differ from other Amibroker versions that are not based directly on original EasyLanguage code
//Calculate a MACD Line
XMac = MACD(MA1,MA2) ; // MACD in Amibroker always uses Close for MACD calculation
//1st Stochastic: Calculate Stochastic of a MACD
Value1 = LLV(XMac, TCLen);
Value2 = HHV(XMac, TCLen) - Value1;
//Frac1=1; // prime Frac1 to a default of 1
//Frac1 = IIf(Value2 > 0, ((XMac - Value1) / Value2) * 100, Ref(FRAC1,-1));
// have to "prime" first value so that reference to "i-1" does not result in subscript out of range
// since MACD for both periods is not defined until MA2 period, 0 seems to be mathematically correct priming value
for (i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
if (Value2[i] > 0) {
frac1[i] = ((XMac[i] - Value1[i])/Value2[i])*100;
else {
frac1[i]= frac1[i-1];
//Smoothed calculation for %FastD of MACD
for (i = 2; i < BarCount; i++) {
//2nd Stochastic: Calculate Stochastic of Smoothed Percent FastD, above.
Value3 = LLV(PF, TCLen);
Value4 = HHV(PF, TCLen) - Value3;
//%FastK of PF
Frac2 = IIf(Value4 > 0, ((PF - Value3) / Value4) * 100, Ref(FRAC2,-1));
for (i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
if (Value4[i] > 0 ) {
frac2[i]=((PF[i] - Value3[i])/Value4[i])*100;
else {
//Smoothed calculation for %FastD of PF
for (i = 2; i < BarCount; i++) {
//HT=ParamColor("HT", colorRed );
rsidn=pff <2;
rsiup=pff >98;
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"cu", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 120 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( rsiresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,120,0) );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(120,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxCircle( 100,100,60 );
//HT=ParamColor("HT", colorRed );
rsidn=RSI(7) <30;
rsiup=RSI(7) >70;
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"cu", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 120 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( rsiresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,150,0) );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(150,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxCircle( 100,100,50 );
//FT=ParamColor("FT", colorRed );
AtrupTrendCond1 = flowerClose> CS33 ;
AtrdnTrendCond1 =CS33>flowerClose ;
ATRup = WriteIf(AtrupTrendCond1,"atrup", "");
ATRdown= WriteIf( AtrdnTrendCond1,"atrdn", "");
if ( ATRup =="atrup")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,180,0) );
if (ATRdown =="atrdn")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(180,0,0));
if ( ATRdown =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 ); // broader color
GfxCircle( 100,100,40 );
//GT=ParamColor("GT", colorRed );
EntrySig = C > ( LLV( flowerLow, EntrylookbackPeriod ) + EntryATRperiod * ATR( 10 ) );
ExitSig = C < ( HHV( flowerHigh, EntrylookbackPeriod ) -EntryATRperiod * ATR( 10 ) );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
EntryB = WriteIf( EntrySig,"eu", "");
ExitB = WriteIf( ExitSig,"ed", "");
if ( EntryB =="eu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,210,0) ); //
if ( ExitB =="ed")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(210,0,0)); //
if ( ExitB =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 ); // broader color
GfxCircle( 100,100,30 );// changing the value of x,y,rad x-70, y-90, rad-24
//HT=ParamColor("HT", colorRed );
ccidn=CCI(8) < 0;
cciup=CCI(9) > 0;
ccresult1 = WriteIf( cciup,"cu", "");
ccresult2 = WriteIf( ccidn,"cd", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( ccresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,240,0) );
if ( ccresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(240,0,0));
if ( ccresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 ); // broader color
GfxCircle( 100,100,20);
//IT=ParamColor("IT", colorRed );
bbdown= x < 40;
bbup= x > 40;
bbresult1 = WriteIf( bbup,"bu", "");
bbresult2 = WriteIf( bbdown,"bd", "");
bbresult3 = WriteIf( C,"bearishrevers", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 12, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
if ( bbresult1 =="bu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(62,255,62) );
if ( bbresult2 =="bd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,62,62) );
if ( bbresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 ); // broader color
GfxCircle( 100,100,10 );
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
rsidn=m1>0 AND m1>s1;
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
rsidn=m1<0 AND m1>s1;
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
rsidn=m1>0 AND m1<s1;
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(225,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 17, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
rsidn=m1<0 AND m1<s1;
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(225,0,0));
if ( rsiresult2 =="")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
// broader color
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxSelectPen( colorRed, 1 );
GfxMoveTo( 25,320 );
GfxLineTo( 75, 370 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1 );
GfxMoveTo( 125,225 );
GfxLineTo( 175, 275 );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkTeal );
GfxCircle( 100,550,23 );
C1 = Ref(C, -1);
uc = C > C1; dc = C <= C1;
ud = C > O; dd = C <= O;
green = 1; blue = 2; yellow = 3; red = 4; white = 5;
VType = IIf(ud,
IIf(uc, green, yellow),
IIf(dc, red, blue), white));
/* green volume: up-day and up-close*/
gv = IIf(VType == green, V, 0);
/* yellow volume: up-day but down-close */
yv = IIf(VType == yellow, V, 0);
/* red volume: down-day and down-close */
rv = IIf(VType == red, V, 0);
/* blue volume: down-day but up-close */
bv = IIf(VType == blue, V, 0);
uv = gv + bv; uv1 = Ref(uv, -1); /* up volume */
dv = rv + yv; dv1 = Ref(dv, -1); /* down volume */
VolPer = Param("Adjust Vol. MA per.", 10, 1, 255, 1);
ConvPer = Param("Adjust Conv. MA per.", 4, 1, 255, 1);
MAuv = TEMA(uv, VolPer ); mauv1 = Ref(mauv, -1);
MAdv = TEMA(dv, VolPer ); madv1 = Ref(madv, -1);
MAtv = TEMA(V, VolPer );//total volume
Converge = (TEMA(MAuv - MAdv, ConvPer));
Converge1 = Ref(Converge, -1);
ConvergeUp = Converge > Converge1;
ConvergeOver = Converge > 0;
rising = ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
falling = !ConvergeUp AND ConvergeOver;
down=Converge > 0;
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"ab", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
rsiresult3 = WriteIf( down,"ef", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
if ( rsiresult1 =="ab")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1 );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,85,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorDarkGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorDarkGreen, 1 );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxSelectPen( colorRed, 1 );
down=Converge > 0;
rsiresult1 = WriteIf( rsiup,"ab", "");
rsiresult2 = WriteIf( rsidn,"cd", "");
rsiresult3 = WriteIf( down,"ef", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
if ( rsiresult1 =="ab")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1 );
if ( rsiresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,85,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorDarkGreen );
GfxSelectPen( colorDarkGreen, 1 );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxSelectPen( colorRed, 1 );
GfxCircle( 100,550,22 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Average 0");
//Average_switch = ParamToggle("Candle On/off", "Off|On");
P = HaClose;
Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear
Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple
Periods = Param("Periods", 20, 2, 200 );
Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 );
m = 0;
if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods);
if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 );
if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods );
Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorLightGrey),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleThick|styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Average 1");
//Average_switch = ParamToggle("Candle On/off", "Off|On");
P = HaClose;
Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear
Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple
Periods = Param("Periods", 60, 2, 200 );
Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 );
m = 0;
if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods);
if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 );
if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods );
Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorGrey50),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Average 5");
P = HaClose;
Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear
Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple
Periods = Param("Periods", 120 ,2, 200 );
Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 );
m = 0;
if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods);
if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 );
if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods );
Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorGrey40),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Sell Average 3");
P = HaClose;
Type = ParamList("Type", "Weighted,Lagless-21,Hull-26,Linear
Regression-45,Exponential,Double Exponential,Tripple
Periods = Param("Periods", 180, 2, 800 );
Displacement = Param("Displacement", 1, -50, 50 );
m = 0;
if( Type == "Weighted" ) m= WMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Lagless-21" ) m= 2*EMA(P, Periods)-EMA(EMA(P, Periods), Periods);
if( Type == "Hull-26" ) m= WMA(2*(WMA(P, Periods/2))-WMA(P, Periods) ,4 );
if( Type == "Linear Regression-45" ) m= LinearReg( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Exponential" ) m = EMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Double Exponential" ) m = DEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Tripple Exponential" ) m = TEMA( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Wilders" ) m = Wilders( P, Periods );
if( Type == "Simple" ) m = MA( P, Periods );
Plot( m, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", ColorRGB(40,40,40)),ParamStyle("Style",styleLine |styleNoTitle ,maskAll),Displacement );
farback=Param("How Far back to go",100,50,5000,10);
nBars = Param("Number of bars", 12, 5, 40);
aHPivs = H - H;aLPivs = L - L;
aHPivHighs = H - H;aLPivLows = L - L;aHPivIdxs = H - H;aLPivIdxs = L - L;
nHPivs = 0;nLPivs = 0;lastHPIdx = 0;lastLPIdx = 0;lastHPH = 0;lastLPL = 0;
curPivBarIdx = 0;
aHHVBars = HHVBars(H, nBars);aLLVBars = LLVBars(L, nBars);
aHHV = HHV(H, nBars);aLLV = LLV(L, nBars);
aVisBars = Status("barvisible");nLastVisBar = LastValue(Highest(IIf(aVisBars, BarIndex(), 0)));
_TRACE("Last visible bar: " + nLastVisBar);
curBar = (BarCount-1);curTrend = "";if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar]) {
curTrend = "D";}else {curTrend = "U";}
for (i=0; i<farback; i++) {curBar = (BarCount - 1) - i;
if (aLLVBars[curBar] < aHHVBars[curBar]) {
if (curTrend == "U") {curTrend = "D";
curPivBarIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];aLPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;aLPivLows[nLPivs] = L[curPivBarIdx];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs] = curPivBarIdx;nLPivs++;}
} else {if (curTrend == "D") {curTrend = "U";curPivBarIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];
aHPivs[curPivBarIdx] = 1;aHPivHighs[nHPivs] = H[curPivBarIdx];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs] = curPivBarIdx;nHPivs++;}} }
curBar = (BarCount-1);candIdx = 0;candPrc = 0;lastLPIdx = aLPivIdxs[0];lastLPL = aLPivLows[0];
lastHPIdx = aHPivIdxs[0];lastHPH = aHPivHighs[0];if (lastLPIdx > lastHPIdx) {
candIdx = curBar - aHHVBars[curBar];candPrc = aHHV[curBar];
if (lastHPH < candPrc AND candIdx > lastLPIdx AND candIdx < curBar) {
aHPivs[candIdx] = 1;
for (j=0; j<nHPivs; j++) {aHPivHighs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivHighs[nHPivs-(j+1)];
aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-j] = aHPivIdxs[nHPivs-(j+1)];}aHPivHighs[0] = candPrc ;
aHPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;nHPivs++;}} else {
candIdx = curBar - aLLVBars[curBar];candPrc = aLLV[curBar];if (lastLPL > candPrc AND
candIdx > lastHPIdx AND candIdx < curBar) {
aLPivs[candIdx] = 1;
for (j=0; j<nLPivs; j++) {aLPivLows[nLPivs-j] = aLPivLows[nLPivs-(j+1)];
aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-j] = aLPivIdxs[nLPivs-(j+1)];}aLPivLows[0] = candPrc;
aLPivIdxs[0] = candIdx;nLPivs++;}}
for (k=0; k<nHPivs; k++) {_TRACE("High pivot no. " + k
+ " at barindex: " + aHPivIdxs[k] + ", "
+ WriteVal(ValueWhen(BarIndex()==aHPivIdxs[k],
DateTime(), 1), formatDateTime)+ ", " + aHPivHighs[k]);}
x = Cum(1);s1=L;s11=H;pS = a2 == 1;
endt= SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pS, x, 1 ));
startt=SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pS, x, 2 ));dtS =endt-startt;
endS = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pS, s1, 1 ) );
startS = SelectedValue( ValueWhen( pS, s1, 2 ));aS = (endS-startS)/dtS;
bS = endS;trendlineS = aS * ( x -endt ) + bS;
g3= IIf(x>startt-10,trendlineS,-1e10);
pR = a1== 1;endt1= SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pR, x, 1 ));
startt1=SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pR, x, 2 ));
dtR =endt1-startt1;endR = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pR, s11, 1 ) );
startR = SelectedValue( ValueWhen( pR, s11, 2 ));
aR = (endR-startR)/dtR;bR = endR;
trendlineR = aR * ( x -endt1 ) + bR;
g4= IIf(x>startT1-10,trendlineR,-1e10);
bbresult1 = WriteIf( dn,"dn", "");
bbresult2 = WriteIf( up,"up", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
if ( bbresult1 =="dn")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
if ( bbresult2 =="up")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
GfxSelectPen( colorWhite, 1 );
GfxCircle( 30,229,8 );
bbresult1 = WriteIf( dn,"dn", "");
bbresult2 = WriteIf( up,"up", "");
RequestTimedRefresh( 0 );
if ( bbresult1 =="dn")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
if ( bbresult2 =="up")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,147,0) );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
GfxSelectPen( colorWhite, 1 );
GfxCircle( 168,367,8 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
GfxSelectPen( colorWhite, 1 );
GfxMoveTo( 35,234 );
GfxLineTo( 163, 362 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("traing sl");
function vstop_func(trBull,trBear)
trailArray[ 0 ] = C[ 0 ]; // initialize
for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )
prev = trailArray[ i - 1 ];
if (C[ i ] > prev AND C[ i - 1 ] > prev)
trailArray[ i ] = Max(prev,C[ i ] - trBull[ i ]);
else if (C[ i ] < prev AND C[ i - 1 ] < prev)
trailArray[ i ] = Min(prev,C[ i ] + trBear[ i ]);
else if (C[ i ] > prev)
trailArray[ i ] = C[ i ] - trBull[ i ];
trailArray[ i ] = C[ i ] + trBear[ i ];
return trailArray;
per = Param("per",20, 1, 150, 1);
multBull = Param("multBull",2, 1, 4, 0.05);
multBear = Param("multBear",2, 1, 4, 0.05);
trBull = multBull * ATR(per);
trBear = multBear * ATR(per);
trailArray = vstop_func(trBull,trBear);
s1= s0 > C ;
s2= s0 <C ;
ccresult1 = WriteIf( s1,"cu", "");
ccresult2 = WriteIf( s2,"cd", "");
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorRed);
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorRed) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",30,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
if ( ccresult1 =="cu")
GfxTextOut(""+s0,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorGreen );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",75,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
if ( ccresult2 =="")
GfxTextOut(""+s0,Hor , Ver );
_SECTION_BEGIN("traing s2");
s1= s0 > C ;
s2= s0 <C ;
ccresult1 = WriteIf( s1,"cu", "");
ccresult2 = WriteIf( s2,"cd", "");
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorBrightGreen );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorBrightGreen) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",30,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
if ( ccresult2 =="cd")
GfxTextOut(""+s0,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorWhite) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",75,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
if ( ccresult1 =="")
GfxTextOut(""+s0,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("arial", 13, 700 ); GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorWhite) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",120,10,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",185,100,50,50);
GfxTextOut(""+C,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
if ( ccresult2 =="cd")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,255,0) );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,0,94) );
GfxCircle( 20,40,7 );
GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxSelectPen( colorBlue, 1 );
if ( ccresult1 =="cu")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(255,0,0) );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( ColorRGB(0,0,94) );
GfxCircle( 180,40,7 );
Intraday Breakout Trading Setup
ScanLookBack = Param("Scan Lookback", 2, 1, 25 );
fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ));
Plot( C, _DEFAULT_NAME(), colorBlack , styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Up Trend Line");
UTBar1=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(L,0.5 ,2));
UTBar2=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(L,0.5 ,1));
UpTrendLine = LineArray( UTBar1, UTValue1, UTBar2,UTValue2, 1 );
UTLine = LineArray( UTBar1, UTValue1, UTBar2,UTValue2, 0 );
Plot( UpTrendLine , _DEFAULT_NAME(), colorGreen,styleLine | styleNoTitle | styleNoLabel);
Plot( UTLine , _DEFAULT_NAME(), colorGreen,styleLine | styleNoTitle | styleNoLabel);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Down Trend Line");
DTValue1=LastValue(Peak(H,0.5 ,2));
DTValue2=LastValue(Peak(H,0.5 ,1));
DTBar1=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars(H,0.5 ,2));
DTBar2=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars(H,0.5 ,1));
DownTrendLine = LineArray( DTBar1, DTValue1, DTBar2,DTValue2, 1 );
DTLine = LineArray( DTBar1, DTValue1, DTBar2,DTValue2, 0 );
Plot( DownTrendLine ,_DEFAULT_NAME(), colorRed,styleLine | styleNoTitle | styleNoLabel);
Plot( DTLine ,_DEFAULT_NAME(), colorRed,styleLine | styleNoTitle | styleNoLabel);
PlotText("PV = " + WriteVal(DTValue2 ,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+2, (DTValue2 ), colorRed);
PlotText("TV = " + WriteVal(UTValue2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())+2, UTValue2, colorGreen);
PlotOHLC( UpTrendLine , UpTrendLine , DownTrendLine , DownTrendLine , "", colorYellow, styleCloud | styleNoRescale);
Plot(LineArray( DTBar2, DTValue2, BarCount,DTValue2, 0 ),"",colorRed);
Plot(LineArray( UTBar2, UTValue2, BarCount,UTValue2, 0 ),"",colorGreen);
YH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1); // yesterdays high
YL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1); // low
YC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1); // close
TO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily); // current day open
//Normal Pivot
PP = (YH + YL + YC) / 3;
R1 = (2 * PP) - YL;
R2 = PP + (YH - YL);
R3 = YH + 2*(PP-YL);
S1 = (2 * PP) - YH;
S2 = PP - (YH - YL);
S3 = YL - 2*(YH - PP) ;
Title = EncodeColor(colorBlack)+ Date() + " Close = " + EncodeColor(colorRed) +Close +
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + " Open = " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + O +
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + " High = " + EncodeColor(5) + H +
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + " Low = " + EncodeColor(colorRed) + L +
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + " Volume = " + EncodeColor(colorOrange) + V + "\n\n"+
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + "Pivot Point= " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + PP +
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + " Day's Open= " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + TO +"\n\n"+
EncodeColor(colorGreen) + "If days open is greater than Pivot Point, market is in uptrend and \n"+EncodeColor(colorRed)+"if days Open is less than Pivot Point, market is in downtrend" +"\n\n"+
EncodeColor(colorRed) + "R1= " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + R1 +
EncodeColor(colorRed) + " R2= " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + R2 +
EncodeColor(colorRed) + " R3= " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + R3 +"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorGreen) + "S1= " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + S1 +
EncodeColor(colorGreen) + " S2= " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + S2 +
EncodeColor(colorGreen) + " S3= " + EncodeColor(colorBlack) + S3 +"\n"+
EncodeColor( colorBlack) +"____ _____ _______ _______ _______"+"\n";
CBuy = Cross(C,DownTrendLine);
CSell = Cross(UpTrendLine ,C);
baratbuy = ValueWhen(CBuy ,BarIndex()) ;
baratsell = ValueWhen(CSell ,BarIndex()) ;
PlotShapes(shapeUpTriangle* CBuy ,colorBlue,O,L);
PlotShapes(shapeDownTriangle * CSell ,colorRed,O,H);
_SECTION_BEGIN("Magnified Market Price");
FS=Param("Font Size",30,30,100,1);
GfxSelectFont("Arial", FS, 700, italic = False, underline = False, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorBlack );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorYellow) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",750,800,800,800);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",27,27,27,27);
GfxTextOut(""+C,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 12, 700, italic = False, underline = False, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorBlack );
GfxSetTextColor(ParamColor("Color",colorYellow) );
GfxTextOut(""+DD+" ("+xx+"%)", Hor+5, Ver+45 );
Friday, July 3, 2015
Harmonic Pattern
This is one another fantastic AFL which detects Harmonic patterns...................
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
if( Status("action") == actionIndicator )
Title = EncodeColor(colorBlue)+" (" + Name() + ") " + EncodeColor(colorBlue)+ Interval(2) +
" " + Date() +" " +" • Open "+WriteVal(O,1.2)+" • "+"Hi "+WriteVal(H,1.2)+" • "+"Lo "+WriteVal(L,1.2)+" • "+
"Close "+WriteVal(C,1.2)+" ("+WriteVal(C-Ref(C,-1),1,0)+" "+WriteVal((C-Ref(C,-1))*100/Ref(C,-1),1.1)+ "%) • Vol= "+ WriteVal(V,1.0)
MAPeriod = Param("MA Period", 4, 1, 100);
MAOpen = EMA(Open, MAPeriod);
MAHigh = EMA(High, MAPeriod);
MALow = EMA(Low, MAPeriod);
MAClose = EMA(Close, MAPeriod);
HaClose = (MAOpen + MAHigh + MALow + MAClose) / 4;
HaOpen = AMA(Ref(HaClose, -1), 0.5);
// for graph collapse
//for(i = 0; i <= MAPeriod; i++) HaClose[i] = Null;
// same
// HaOpen = (Ref(HaOpen, -1) + Ref(HaClose, -1)) / 2;
HaOpen[ 0 ] = HaClose[ 0 ];
for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
HaOpen[i] = (HaOpen[i - 1] + HaClose[i - 1]) / 2;
HaHigh = Max(MAHigh, Max(HaClose, HaOpen));
HaLow = Min(MALow, Min(HaClose, HaOpen));
PK = HaHigh > Ref(HaHigh,-1) AND Ref(HaHigh,1) < HaHigh;//Peak
PKV0 = ValueWhen(PK,HaHigh,0);//PeakValue0
PKV1 = ValueWhen(PK,HaHigh,1);//PeakValue1
PKV2 = ValueWhen(PK,HaHigh,2);//PeakValue2
MPK = PKV2 < PKV1 AND PKV1 > PKV0 ;//MajorPeak
MPKV = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,1); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),1); //MajorPeakDate
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD, "LastMinorResistance",colorRed,styleLine,styleThick);
MPKV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,2); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),2); //MajorPeakDate
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD2,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV2,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD2, "LastMajorResistance",colorRed,styleLine);
SP = Ref(HaLow,1) > HaLow AND HaLow < Ref(HaLow,-1);//Peak
SPV0 = ValueWhen(SP,HaLow,0);//PeakValue0
SPV1 = ValueWhen(SP,HaLow,1);//PeakValue1
SPV2 = ValueWhen(SP,HaLow,2);//PeakValue2
MSP = SPV2 > SPV1 AND SPV1 < SPV0 ;//MajorPeak
MSPV = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,1);
MSPD = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),1);
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV,Lastmode = True));
MSPV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,2);
MSPD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),2);
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD2,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV2,Lastmode = True));
R = RSI(3);
SK = StochK(8, 3);
SD = StochD(8, 3, 3);
MH = MACD(8, 16) - Signal(8, 16, 5);
e= EMA(C,62);
//Conditions for Buying
Cond1 = ValueWhen(C,O<C);
Cond2 = R > 20;
Cond3 = SD > 20 ;
Cond4 = MH > 0 ;
Cond5 = e > Ref(e,-1);
//Conditions for Selling
Cond6 = ValueWhen(C,O>C);
Cond7 = R < 80;
Cond8 = SD < 80;
Cond9 = MH < 0 ;
Cond10 = e < Ref(e,-1);
Buy = Cond1 AND Cond2 AND Cond3 AND Cond4 AND Cond5;
Sell = Cond6 AND Cond7 AND Cond8 AND Cond9 AND Cond10;
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-20);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-25);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=20);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-25);
WriteIf (Buy AND Ref(shrt,-1), " BUY@ "+C+" ","")+
WriteIf (Sell AND Ref(Long,-1), " SEll@ "+C+" ","")+
WriteIf(Sell , "Last Trade Profit Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+
WriteIf(Buy , "Last trade Profit Rs."+(SellPrice-C)+"","")+
WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy, "Trade: Long Profit: "+WriteVal((C-BuyPrice))+"","")+
WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell, "Trade: Short Profit: "+WriteVal((SellPrice-C))+"",""));
dist = 3*ATR(10);
dist1 = 3*ATR(10);
for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
if( Buy[i] )
PlotText( "\nBuy@:" + C[ i ], i, C[ i ]-dist[i], colorGreen, colorDarkOliveGreen );
if( Sell[i] )
PlotText( "Sell@:" + C[ i ], i, C[ i ]+dist1[i], colorRed, colorDarkOliveGreen );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Background text");
C11=ParamColor("up panel",colorViolet );
C12=ParamColor("dn panel",colorGreen );
C13=Param("fonts",20,10,30,1 );
C14=Param("left-right",2.1,1.0,5.0,0.1 );
C15=Param("up-down",12,1,20,1 );
Miny = Status("axisminy");
Maxy = Status("axismaxy");
lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar");
pxwidth = Status("pxwidth");
pxheight = Status("pxheight");
GfxSetBkMode( 0 );
GfxGradientRect(0,0,pxwidth, pxheight, C11, C12 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13 );
GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );
GfxTextOut( "LTP "+WriteVal(C,1.2), Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15);
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 );
GfxTextOut( "", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*4 );
GfxSelectFont("MS Sans Serif", 10, 500, False, False, 0);
//GfxTextOut(""+edc+"", Status("pxwidth")/1.15, Status("pxheight")/C15*0.3 );
GBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.55,0.3,1,0.01);
GBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.72,0.4,1,0.01);
GCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.27,0.01);
GCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.0,0.4,1.27,0.01);
GDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",0.55,0.3,1,0.01);
GDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.0,0.4,1.0,0.01);
BatBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.38,0.3,1,0.01);
BatBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.55,0.4,1,0.01);
BatCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.62,0.01);
BatCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.27,0.4,1.62,0.01);
BatDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",0.5,0.3,1,0.01);
BatDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.0,0.4,1.0,0.01);
BtBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.55,0.3,1,0.01);
BtBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.9,0.4,1,0.01);
BtCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.62,0.01);
BtCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.27,0.4,1.62,0.01);
BtDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",1,1,1.8,0.01);
BtDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.8,1,1.8,0.01); // Max XA of Butterfly = (1.0 - 1.618)
CBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.38,0.3,1,0.01);
CBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.65,0.4,1,0.01);
CCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.62,0.01);
CCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.270,0.4,1.62,0.01);
CDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",1.25,1,1.8,0.01);
CDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.8,1,2,0.01);
abcd_Cmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.3, 0.3 , 1, 0.01);
abcd_Cmax = Param("Swing C Max.",0.8, 0.8 , 1, 0.01);
abcd_Dmin = Param("Swing D Min.",1.2, 1, 2.7, 0.01);
abcd_Dmax = Param("Swing D Max.",3.7, 1, 4, 0.01);
//strength = Param("Strength",5,2,15,1); // Best use: 3, 4, 5
strength = Param("BARS of each LINE",5,2,15,1); // So luong bar cho moi duong XA, AB, BC,
bu = ParamToggle("Bullish Pattern","Off|On",1); // So bar/lines se quyet dinh. mo^ hinh` duoc ve the' nao`
be = ParamToggle("Bearish Pattern","Off|On",1);
bi = Cum(1)-1;
function GetTop(bars) // Lay' gia' tri cao nhat' = di?nh
Top = H == HHV(H,2*bars) AND Ref(HHV(H,bars),bars) < H;
Top = Top AND LastValue(bi)-ValueWhen(Top,bi) > bars;
return Top;
function GetValley(bars) // La'y gia tri thap' nhat' = day'
Valley = L == LLV(L,2*bars) AND Ref(LLV(L,bars),bars) > L;
Valley = Valley AND LastValue(bi)-ValueWhen(Valley,bi) > bars;
return Valley;
// Build fractals array
P1 = GetTop(strength); // so' bar cho 1 duong` XA, AB, BC, CD
V1 = GetValley(Strength);
P1 = IIf(P1,IIf(ValueWhen(P1,bi,2) < ValueWhen(V1,bi),P1,IIf(ValueWhen(P1,H,2) > H,False,P1)),P1);
P1 = IIf(P1 AND ValueWhen(P1,bi,0) > bi,IIf(ValueWhen(P1,bi,0) < ValueWhen(V1,bi,0),IIf(ValueWhen(P1,H,0) >= H,False,P1),P1),P1);
V1 = IIf(V1,IIf(ValueWhen(V1,bi,2) < ValueWhen(P1,bi),V1,IIf(ValueWhen(V1,L,2)<L,False,V1)),V1);
V1 = IIf(V1 AND ValueWhen(V1,bi,0) > bi ,IIf(ValueWhen(V1,bi,0) < ValueWhen(P1,bi,0),IIf(ValueWhen(V1,L,0) <= L, False,V1),V1),V1);
P1H1 = ValueWhen(P1,H);
P1Bar1 = ValueWhen(P1,bi);
P1H2 = ValueWhen(P1,H,2);
P1Bar2 = ValueWhen(P1,bi,2);
V1L1 = ValueWhen(V1,L);
V1Bar1 = ValueWhen(V1,bi);
V1L2 = ValueWhen(V1,L,2);
V1Bar2 = ValueWhen(V1,bi,2);
Mo hinh Bullish:
A = P1H2
B = V1L1
C = P1H1
X = V1L2
PTvalid = (P1Bar1 > V1Bar1 AND V1Bar1 > P1Bar2 AND P1bar2 > V1Bar2) AND P1; // Peaks and troughs are in order
myAX = P1H2-V1L2;
myAB = P1H2-V1L1;
myBC = P1H1-V1L1;
myAB_AX = myAB/ myAX;
myBC_AB = myBC/ myAB;
BullGartley4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > GBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < GBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > GCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < GCMax );
BullBat4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BatBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BatBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > BatCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BatCMax );
BullButterfly4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BtBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BtBMax )
AND ( myBC_AB > BtCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BtCmin );
BullCrab4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > CBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < CBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > CCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < CCmax );
BullABCD4 = PTvalid AND ( myBC_AB > abcd_Cmin) AND ( myBC_AB < abcd_Cmax );
strPattern = "";
// Bullish pattern found. D retracement level is not evaluated
dHigh = HighestSince(BullABCD4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullABCD4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,V1L2);
myCB = myC - myB;
my_d_min = myCB * abcd_DMin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myCB * abcd_DMax ;
my_Cd_min = myC - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Cd_max = myC - my_d_max;
BullABCD = IIf( ( dLow < my_Cd_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Cd_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullABCD = BullABCD AND (dLow < myB);
dHigh = HighestSince(BullGartley4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullGartley4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,V1L2);
myAX = myA - myX;
my_d_min = myAX * GDmin; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * GDMax;
my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max;
BullGartley = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullGartley = BullGartley AND (dLow < myB); // diem D thap' hon B
strPattern = WriteIf(BullGartley,"BULLISH GARTLEY",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BullBat4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullBat4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullBat4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullBat4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullBat4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullBat4,V1L2);
myAX = myA - myX;
my_d_min = myAX * BatDmin; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * BatDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max;
BullBat = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullBat = BullBat AND (dLow < myB); // diem d thap hon diem B
strPattern = WriteIf(BullBat,"BULLISH BAT",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BullCrab4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullCrab4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,V1L2);
myAX = myA - myX;
my_d_min = myAX * CDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * CDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max;
BullCrab = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullCrab = BullCrab AND (dLow < myX); // diem D thap' hon X
strPattern = WriteIf(BullCrab ,"BULLISH CRAB",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BullButterfly4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullButterfly4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,V1L2);
myAX = myA - myX;
my_d_min = myAX * BtDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * BtDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max;
BullButterfly = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullButterfly = BullButterfly AND (dLow < myX); // diem D thap' hon X
strPattern = WriteIf(BullButterfly ,"BULLISH BUTTERFLY",strPattern);
BullHar4 = BullABCD4;
BullHar = BullABCD;
Point4 = IIf(BullHar,ValueWhen(BullHar4,bi),Null);
BullHar = IIf(BullHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BullHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BullHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BullHar),BullHar);
A = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H2);
Abar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar2);
B = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1L1);
Bbar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1bar1);
C1 = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H1);
C1bar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar1);
D = ValueWhen(BullHar,L);
Dbar = ValueWhen(BullHar,bi);
BCdAB = (C1-B)/(A-B);
BCdCD = (C1-D)/(C1-B);
PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar;
if(LastValue(PlotPattern) AND bu)
ColorX = colorGreen;
// Ve cac duong AB, BC, CD
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
// Ve cac gia tri Fibo
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2),(LastValue(Bbar)+LastValue(Dbar))/2,(LastValue(B)+LastValue(D))/2,ColorX );
//---------- Viet cac diem X, A, B, C, D: by binhnd---------------------
xlech = 0;
ylech = 2;
PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) - ylech, ColorX );
//--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd--------------
if (strPattern!="")
myStr = "Pattern: BULLISH AB=CD";
toadoX = LastValue(Abar);
toadoY = LastValue(D);
PlotText(myStr,toadoX,toadoY,ColorX );
} // end of Ve duong` bullish abcd
BullHar4 = BullGartley4 OR BullButterfly4 OR BullBat4 OR BullCrab4 ;
BullHar = BullGartley OR BullButterfly OR BullBat OR BullCrab;
Point4 = IIf(BullHar,ValueWhen(BullHar4,bi),Null);
BullHar = IIf(BullHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BullHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BullHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BullHar),BullHar);
X = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1L2);
Xbar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1Bar2);
A = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H2);
Abar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar2);
B = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1L1);
Bbar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1bar1);
C1 = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H1);
C1bar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar1);
D = ValueWhen(BullHar,L);
Dbar = ValueWhen(BullHar,bi);
ABdXA = (A-B)/(A-X);
BCdAB = (C1-B)/(A-B);
ADdXA = (A-D)/(A-X);
BCdCD = (C1-D)/(C1-B);
PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar;
if(LastValue(PlotPattern) AND bu)
ColorX = colorBlue;
// Ve cac duong XA, AB, BC, CD
Plot( LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX,styleThick);
// Ve cac gia tri Fibo
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ADdXA),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX);
//---------- Viet cac diem X, A, B, C, D: by binhnd---------------------
xlech = 0;
ylech = 2;
PlotText("X",LastValue(Xbar) + xlech, LastValue(X) - ylech, ColorX);
PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) + ylech, ColorX);
PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) - ylech, ColorX);
PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) + ylech, ColorX);
PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) - ylech, ColorX);
//--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd--------------
if (strPattern!="")
strPattern = "Pattern: " + strPattern;
toadoX = (LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2;
toadoY = (LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2;
} // end of Ve duong cho cac mo hinh Crab, Butterfly, Bat
PTvalid = (V1Bar1 > P1Bar1 AND P1Bar1 > V1Bar2 AND V1Bar2 > P1Bar2) AND V1;
X = P1H2 Trong mo hinh` bear: Die^m X cao hon diem A. MyAX = X-> A
A = V1L2
B = P1H1
C = V1L1
myAX = P1H2-V1L2;
myAB = P1H1-V1L2;
myBC = P1H1-V1L1;
myAB_AX = myAB/ myAX;
myBC_AB = myBC/ myAB;
BearGartley4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > GBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < GBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > GCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < GCMax );
BearBat4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BatBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BatBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > BatCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BatCMax );
BearButterfly4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BtBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BtBMax )
AND ( myBC_AB > BtCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BtCmin );
BearCrab4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > CBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < CBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > CCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < CCmax );
BearABCD4 = PTvalid AND ( myBC_AB > abcd_Cmin) AND ( myBC_AB < abcd_Cmax );
strPattern = "";
// Bearish pattern found. D retracement level is not evaluated
dHigh = HighestSince(BearABCD4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearABCD4,L);
myA = ValueWhen(BearABCD4,V1L2);
myB = ValueWhen(BearABCD4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearABCD4,V1L1);
myCB = myB - myC;
my_d_min = myCB * abcd_DMin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myCB * abcd_DMax ;
my_Cd_min = myC + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Cd_max = myC + my_d_max;
BearABCD = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Cd_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Cd_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearABCD = BearABCD AND (dHigh > myB);
dHigh = HighestSince(BearGartley4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearGartley4,L);
myX = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,P1H2);
myA = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,V1L2);
myAX = myX - myA;
myB = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,V1L1);
my_d_min = myAX * GDmin; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * GDMax;
my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max;
BearGartley = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearGartley = BearGartley AND (dHigh > myB); // diem D cao hon B
strPattern = WriteIf(BearGartley ,"BEARISH GARTLEY",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BearBat4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearBat4,L);
myX = ValueWhen(BearBat4,P1H2);
myA = ValueWhen(BearBat4,V1L2);
myAX = myX - myA;
myB = ValueWhen(BearBat4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearBat4,V1L1);
my_d_min = myAX * BatDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * BatDMax ;
my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max;
BearBat = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearBat = BearBat AND (dHigh > myB); // diem D cao hon B
strPattern = WriteIf(BearBat ,"BEARISH BAT",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BearButterfly4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearButterfly4,L);
myX = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,P1H2);
myA = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,V1L2);
myAX = myX - myA;
myB = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,V1L1);
my_d_min = myAX * BtDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * BtDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max;
BearButterfly = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearButterfly = BearButterfly AND (dHigh > myX); // diem D cao hon X
strPattern = WriteIf(BearButterfly ,"BEARISH BUTTERFLY",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BearCrab4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearCrab4,L);
myX = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,P1H2);
myA = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,V1L2);
myAX = myX - myA;
myB = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,V1L1);
my_d_min = myAX * CDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * CDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max;
BearCrab = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearCrab = BearCrab AND (dHigh > myX); // diem D cao hon X
strPattern = WriteIf(BearCrab ,"BEARISH CRAB",strPattern);
BearHar4 = BearABCD4;
BearHar = BearABCD;
Point4 = IIf(BearHar,ValueWhen(BearHar4,bi),Null);
BearHar = IIf(BearHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BearHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BearHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BearHar),BearHar);
A = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L2);
Abar = ValueWhen( BearHar4,V1bar2);
B = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1H1);
Bbar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1bar1);
C1 = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L1);
C1bar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1bar1);
D = ValueWhen(BearHar,H);
Dbar = ValueWhen(BearHar,bi);
BCdAB = (B-C1)/(B-A);
BCdCD = (D-C1)/(B-C1);
PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar;
//--------- Ve duong ------------------
if(LastValue(Plotpattern) AND be)
ColorX = colorYellow;
// Ve duong AB, BC
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
// Viet cac gia tri Fibo tren duong AB, BC
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Bbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(B))/2,ColorX );
//---------- Viet cac diem A, B, C, D: by binhnd---------------------
xlech = -1;
ylech = 1;
PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) + ylech, ColorX );
//--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd--------------
if (strPattern!="")
myStr = "Pattern: BEARISH AB=CD";
toadoaX = LastValue(Abar);
toadoY = LastValue(D);
PlotText(myStr,toadoaX,toadoY+1,ColorX );
BearHar4 = BearGartley4 OR BearButterfly4 OR BearBat4 OR BearCrab4 ;
BearHar = BearGartley OR BearButterfly OR BearBat OR BearCrab ;
Point4 = IIf(BearHar,ValueWhen(BearHar4,bi),Null);
BearHar = IIf(BearHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BearHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BearHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BearHar),BearHar);
X = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1H2);
Xbar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1Bar2);
A = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L2);
Abar = ValueWhen( BearHar4,V1bar2);
B = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1H1);
Bbar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1bar1);
C1 = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L1);
C1bar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1bar1);
D = ValueWhen(BearHar,H);
Dbar = ValueWhen(BearHar,bi);
ABdXA = (B-A)/(X-A);
BCdAB = (B-C1)/(B-A);
ADdXA = (D-A)/(X-A);
BCdCD = (D-C1)/(B-C1);
PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar;
//--------- Ve duong ------------------
if(LastValue(Plotpattern) AND be)
ColorX = colorRed;
// Ve duong XA, AB, BC
Plot( LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
// Viet cac gia tri Fibo tren duong XA, AB, BC
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ABdXA),1.2),(LastValue(Bbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(B)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Bbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(B))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ADdXA),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX );
//---------- Viet cac diem X, A, B, C, D: by binhnd---------------------
xlech = -1;
ylech = 1;
PlotText("X",LastValue(Xbar) + xlech, LastValue(X) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) + ylech, ColorX );
//--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd--------------
if (strPattern!="")
strPattern = "Pattern: " + strPattern;
toadoaX = (LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2;
toadoY = (LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2;
PlotText(strPattern,toadoaX,toadoY+1,ColorX );
// Show diem ho^~ tro. va` khang' cu. ko?
plotFractals = ParamToggle("Plot Fractals","Off|On",1);
dkBull = False;
ListBull = ParamList("Type of Bullish", "None|AB=CD|Gartley|Butterfly|Bat|Crab|All Patterns", 6);
if ( ListBull == "None" ) dkBull = True;
if ( ListBull =="AB=CD" ) dkBull = BullABCD ;
if ( ListBull =="Gartley" ) dkBull = BullGartley ;
if ( ListBull =="Butterfly" ) dkBull = BullButterfly ;
if ( ListBull =="Bat" ) dkBull = BullBat ;
if ( ListBull =="Crab" ) dkBull = BullCrab ;
if ( ListBull =="All Patterns") dkBull = (BullABCD) OR (BullGartley) OR (BullButterfly ) OR (BullBat ) OR (BullCrab);
dkBear = False;
ListBear = ParamList("Type of Bearish", "None|AB=CD|Gartley|Butterfly|Bat|Crab|All Patterns", 0);
if ( ListBear == "None" ) dkBear = True;
if ( ListBear =="AB=CD" ) dkBear = BearABCD ;
if ( ListBear =="Gartley" ) dkBear = BearGartley ;
if ( ListBear =="Butterfly" ) dkBear = BearButterfly ;
if ( ListBear =="Bat" ) dkBear = BearBat ;
if ( ListBear =="Crab" ) dkBear = BearCrab ;
if ( ListBear =="All Patterns") dkBear = (BearABCD ) OR (BearGartley ) OR (BearButterfly ) OR (BearBat ) OR (BearCrab );
Filter = (dkBull) AND (dkBear);
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
if( Status("action") == actionIndicator )
Title = EncodeColor(colorBlue)+" (" + Name() + ") " + EncodeColor(colorBlue)+ Interval(2) +
" " + Date() +" " +" • Open "+WriteVal(O,1.2)+" • "+"Hi "+WriteVal(H,1.2)+" • "+"Lo "+WriteVal(L,1.2)+" • "+
"Close "+WriteVal(C,1.2)+" ("+WriteVal(C-Ref(C,-1),1,0)+" "+WriteVal((C-Ref(C,-1))*100/Ref(C,-1),1.1)+ "%) • Vol= "+ WriteVal(V,1.0)
MAPeriod = Param("MA Period", 4, 1, 100);
MAOpen = EMA(Open, MAPeriod);
MAHigh = EMA(High, MAPeriod);
MALow = EMA(Low, MAPeriod);
MAClose = EMA(Close, MAPeriod);
HaClose = (MAOpen + MAHigh + MALow + MAClose) / 4;
HaOpen = AMA(Ref(HaClose, -1), 0.5);
// for graph collapse
//for(i = 0; i <= MAPeriod; i++) HaClose[i] = Null;
// same
// HaOpen = (Ref(HaOpen, -1) + Ref(HaClose, -1)) / 2;
HaOpen[ 0 ] = HaClose[ 0 ];
for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) {
HaOpen[i] = (HaOpen[i - 1] + HaClose[i - 1]) / 2;
HaHigh = Max(MAHigh, Max(HaClose, HaOpen));
HaLow = Min(MALow, Min(HaClose, HaOpen));
PK = HaHigh > Ref(HaHigh,-1) AND Ref(HaHigh,1) < HaHigh;//Peak
PKV0 = ValueWhen(PK,HaHigh,0);//PeakValue0
PKV1 = ValueWhen(PK,HaHigh,1);//PeakValue1
PKV2 = ValueWhen(PK,HaHigh,2);//PeakValue2
MPK = PKV2 < PKV1 AND PKV1 > PKV0 ;//MajorPeak
MPKV = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,1); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),1); //MajorPeakDate
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD, "LastMinorResistance",colorRed,styleLine,styleThick);
MPKV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,2); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),2); //MajorPeakDate
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD2,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MPKV2,Lastmode = True));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD2, "LastMajorResistance",colorRed,styleLine);
SP = Ref(HaLow,1) > HaLow AND HaLow < Ref(HaLow,-1);//Peak
SPV0 = ValueWhen(SP,HaLow,0);//PeakValue0
SPV1 = ValueWhen(SP,HaLow,1);//PeakValue1
SPV2 = ValueWhen(SP,HaLow,2);//PeakValue2
MSP = SPV2 > SPV1 AND SPV1 < SPV0 ;//MajorPeak
MSPV = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,1);
MSPD = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),1);
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV,Lastmode = True));
MSPV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,2);
MSPD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),2);
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD2,lastmode = True ), Null, LastValue(MSPV2,Lastmode = True));
R = RSI(3);
SK = StochK(8, 3);
SD = StochD(8, 3, 3);
MH = MACD(8, 16) - Signal(8, 16, 5);
e= EMA(C,62);
//Conditions for Buying
Cond1 = ValueWhen(C,O<C);
Cond2 = R > 20;
Cond3 = SD > 20 ;
Cond4 = MH > 0 ;
Cond5 = e > Ref(e,-1);
//Conditions for Selling
Cond6 = ValueWhen(C,O>C);
Cond7 = R < 80;
Cond8 = SD < 80;
Cond9 = MH < 0 ;
Cond10 = e < Ref(e,-1);
Buy = Cond1 AND Cond2 AND Cond3 AND Cond4 AND Cond5;
Sell = Cond6 AND Cond7 AND Cond8 AND Cond9 AND Cond10;
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-20);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-25);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=20);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-25);
WriteIf (Buy AND Ref(shrt,-1), " BUY@ "+C+" ","")+
WriteIf (Sell AND Ref(Long,-1), " SEll@ "+C+" ","")+
WriteIf(Sell , "Last Trade Profit Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+
WriteIf(Buy , "Last trade Profit Rs."+(SellPrice-C)+"","")+
WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy, "Trade: Long Profit: "+WriteVal((C-BuyPrice))+"","")+
WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell, "Trade: Short Profit: "+WriteVal((SellPrice-C))+"",""));
dist = 3*ATR(10);
dist1 = 3*ATR(10);
for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
if( Buy[i] )
PlotText( "\nBuy@:" + C[ i ], i, C[ i ]-dist[i], colorGreen, colorDarkOliveGreen );
if( Sell[i] )
PlotText( "Sell@:" + C[ i ], i, C[ i ]+dist1[i], colorRed, colorDarkOliveGreen );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Background text");
C11=ParamColor("up panel",colorViolet );
C12=ParamColor("dn panel",colorGreen );
C13=Param("fonts",20,10,30,1 );
C14=Param("left-right",2.1,1.0,5.0,0.1 );
C15=Param("up-down",12,1,20,1 );
Miny = Status("axisminy");
Maxy = Status("axismaxy");
lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar");
pxwidth = Status("pxwidth");
pxheight = Status("pxheight");
GfxSetBkMode( 0 );
GfxGradientRect(0,0,pxwidth, pxheight, C11, C12 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13 );
GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );
GfxTextOut( "LTP "+WriteVal(C,1.2), Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15);
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 );
GfxTextOut( "", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*4 );
GfxSelectFont("MS Sans Serif", 10, 500, False, False, 0);
//GfxTextOut(""+edc+"", Status("pxwidth")/1.15, Status("pxheight")/C15*0.3 );
GBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.55,0.3,1,0.01);
GBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.72,0.4,1,0.01);
GCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.27,0.01);
GCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.0,0.4,1.27,0.01);
GDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",0.55,0.3,1,0.01);
GDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.0,0.4,1.0,0.01);
BatBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.38,0.3,1,0.01);
BatBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.55,0.4,1,0.01);
BatCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.62,0.01);
BatCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.27,0.4,1.62,0.01);
BatDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",0.5,0.3,1,0.01);
BatDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.0,0.4,1.0,0.01);
BtBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.55,0.3,1,0.01);
BtBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.9,0.4,1,0.01);
BtCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.62,0.01);
BtCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.27,0.4,1.62,0.01);
BtDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",1,1,1.8,0.01);
BtDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.8,1,1.8,0.01); // Max XA of Butterfly = (1.0 - 1.618)
CBmin = Param("Swing B Min.",0.38,0.3,1,0.01);
CBmax = Param("Swing B Max.",0.65,0.4,1,0.01);
CCmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.38,0.3,1.62,0.01);
CCmax = Param("Swing C Max.",1.270,0.4,1.62,0.01);
CDmin = Param("Swing D Min.(XA)",1.25,1,1.8,0.01);
CDmax = Param("Swing D Max.(XA)",1.8,1,2,0.01);
abcd_Cmin = Param("Swing C Min.",0.3, 0.3 , 1, 0.01);
abcd_Cmax = Param("Swing C Max.",0.8, 0.8 , 1, 0.01);
abcd_Dmin = Param("Swing D Min.",1.2, 1, 2.7, 0.01);
abcd_Dmax = Param("Swing D Max.",3.7, 1, 4, 0.01);
//strength = Param("Strength",5,2,15,1); // Best use: 3, 4, 5
strength = Param("BARS of each LINE",5,2,15,1); // So luong bar cho moi duong XA, AB, BC,
bu = ParamToggle("Bullish Pattern","Off|On",1); // So bar/lines se quyet dinh. mo^ hinh` duoc ve the' nao`
be = ParamToggle("Bearish Pattern","Off|On",1);
bi = Cum(1)-1;
function GetTop(bars) // Lay' gia' tri cao nhat' = di?nh
Top = H == HHV(H,2*bars) AND Ref(HHV(H,bars),bars) < H;
Top = Top AND LastValue(bi)-ValueWhen(Top,bi) > bars;
return Top;
function GetValley(bars) // La'y gia tri thap' nhat' = day'
Valley = L == LLV(L,2*bars) AND Ref(LLV(L,bars),bars) > L;
Valley = Valley AND LastValue(bi)-ValueWhen(Valley,bi) > bars;
return Valley;
// Build fractals array
P1 = GetTop(strength); // so' bar cho 1 duong` XA, AB, BC, CD
V1 = GetValley(Strength);
P1 = IIf(P1,IIf(ValueWhen(P1,bi,2) < ValueWhen(V1,bi),P1,IIf(ValueWhen(P1,H,2) > H,False,P1)),P1);
P1 = IIf(P1 AND ValueWhen(P1,bi,0) > bi,IIf(ValueWhen(P1,bi,0) < ValueWhen(V1,bi,0),IIf(ValueWhen(P1,H,0) >= H,False,P1),P1),P1);
V1 = IIf(V1,IIf(ValueWhen(V1,bi,2) < ValueWhen(P1,bi),V1,IIf(ValueWhen(V1,L,2)<L,False,V1)),V1);
V1 = IIf(V1 AND ValueWhen(V1,bi,0) > bi ,IIf(ValueWhen(V1,bi,0) < ValueWhen(P1,bi,0),IIf(ValueWhen(V1,L,0) <= L, False,V1),V1),V1);
P1H1 = ValueWhen(P1,H);
P1Bar1 = ValueWhen(P1,bi);
P1H2 = ValueWhen(P1,H,2);
P1Bar2 = ValueWhen(P1,bi,2);
V1L1 = ValueWhen(V1,L);
V1Bar1 = ValueWhen(V1,bi);
V1L2 = ValueWhen(V1,L,2);
V1Bar2 = ValueWhen(V1,bi,2);
Mo hinh Bullish:
A = P1H2
B = V1L1
C = P1H1
X = V1L2
PTvalid = (P1Bar1 > V1Bar1 AND V1Bar1 > P1Bar2 AND P1bar2 > V1Bar2) AND P1; // Peaks and troughs are in order
myAX = P1H2-V1L2;
myAB = P1H2-V1L1;
myBC = P1H1-V1L1;
myAB_AX = myAB/ myAX;
myBC_AB = myBC/ myAB;
BullGartley4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > GBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < GBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > GCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < GCMax );
BullBat4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BatBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BatBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > BatCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BatCMax );
BullButterfly4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BtBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BtBMax )
AND ( myBC_AB > BtCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BtCmin );
BullCrab4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > CBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < CBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > CCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < CCmax );
BullABCD4 = PTvalid AND ( myBC_AB > abcd_Cmin) AND ( myBC_AB < abcd_Cmax );
strPattern = "";
// Bullish pattern found. D retracement level is not evaluated
dHigh = HighestSince(BullABCD4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullABCD4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullABCD4,V1L2);
myCB = myC - myB;
my_d_min = myCB * abcd_DMin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myCB * abcd_DMax ;
my_Cd_min = myC - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Cd_max = myC - my_d_max;
BullABCD = IIf( ( dLow < my_Cd_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Cd_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullABCD = BullABCD AND (dLow < myB);
dHigh = HighestSince(BullGartley4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullGartley4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullGartley4,V1L2);
myAX = myA - myX;
my_d_min = myAX * GDmin; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * GDMax;
my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max;
BullGartley = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullGartley = BullGartley AND (dLow < myB); // diem D thap' hon B
strPattern = WriteIf(BullGartley,"BULLISH GARTLEY",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BullBat4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullBat4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullBat4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullBat4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullBat4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullBat4,V1L2);
myAX = myA - myX;
my_d_min = myAX * BatDmin; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * BatDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max;
BullBat = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullBat = BullBat AND (dLow < myB); // diem d thap hon diem B
strPattern = WriteIf(BullBat,"BULLISH BAT",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BullCrab4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullCrab4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullCrab4,V1L2);
myAX = myA - myX;
my_d_min = myAX * CDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * CDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max;
BullCrab = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullCrab = BullCrab AND (dLow < myX); // diem D thap' hon X
strPattern = WriteIf(BullCrab ,"BULLISH CRAB",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BullButterfly4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BullButterfly4,L);
myC = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,P1H1);
myB = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,V1L1);
myA = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,P1H2);
myX = ValueWhen(BullButterfly4,V1L2);
myAX = myA - myX;
my_d_min = myAX * BtDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * BtDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA - my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA - my_d_max;
BullButterfly = IIf( ( dLow < my_Ad_min ) AND ( dLow > my_Ad_max )
AND ( dHigh <= myC ) AND ( dLow == L),
True, False
BullButterfly = BullButterfly AND (dLow < myX); // diem D thap' hon X
strPattern = WriteIf(BullButterfly ,"BULLISH BUTTERFLY",strPattern);
BullHar4 = BullABCD4;
BullHar = BullABCD;
Point4 = IIf(BullHar,ValueWhen(BullHar4,bi),Null);
BullHar = IIf(BullHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BullHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BullHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BullHar),BullHar);
A = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H2);
Abar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar2);
B = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1L1);
Bbar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1bar1);
C1 = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H1);
C1bar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar1);
D = ValueWhen(BullHar,L);
Dbar = ValueWhen(BullHar,bi);
BCdAB = (C1-B)/(A-B);
BCdCD = (C1-D)/(C1-B);
PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar;
if(LastValue(PlotPattern) AND bu)
ColorX = colorGreen;
// Ve cac duong AB, BC, CD
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
// Ve cac gia tri Fibo
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2),(LastValue(Bbar)+LastValue(Dbar))/2,(LastValue(B)+LastValue(D))/2,ColorX );
//---------- Viet cac diem X, A, B, C, D: by binhnd---------------------
xlech = 0;
ylech = 2;
PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) - ylech, ColorX );
//--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd--------------
if (strPattern!="")
myStr = "Pattern: BULLISH AB=CD";
toadoX = LastValue(Abar);
toadoY = LastValue(D);
PlotText(myStr,toadoX,toadoY,ColorX );
} // end of Ve duong` bullish abcd
BullHar4 = BullGartley4 OR BullButterfly4 OR BullBat4 OR BullCrab4 ;
BullHar = BullGartley OR BullButterfly OR BullBat OR BullCrab;
Point4 = IIf(BullHar,ValueWhen(BullHar4,bi),Null);
BullHar = IIf(BullHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BullHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BullHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BullHar),BullHar);
X = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1L2);
Xbar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1Bar2);
A = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H2);
Abar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar2);
B = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1L1);
Bbar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,V1bar1);
C1 = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1H1);
C1bar = ValueWhen(BullHar4,P1bar1);
D = ValueWhen(BullHar,L);
Dbar = ValueWhen(BullHar,bi);
ABdXA = (A-B)/(A-X);
BCdAB = (C1-B)/(A-B);
ADdXA = (A-D)/(A-X);
BCdCD = (C1-D)/(C1-B);
PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar;
if(LastValue(PlotPattern) AND bu)
ColorX = colorBlue;
// Ve cac duong XA, AB, BC, CD
Plot( LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX,styleThick);
// Ve cac gia tri Fibo
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ADdXA),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX);
//---------- Viet cac diem X, A, B, C, D: by binhnd---------------------
xlech = 0;
ylech = 2;
PlotText("X",LastValue(Xbar) + xlech, LastValue(X) - ylech, ColorX);
PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) + ylech, ColorX);
PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) - ylech, ColorX);
PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) + ylech, ColorX);
PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) - ylech, ColorX);
//--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd--------------
if (strPattern!="")
strPattern = "Pattern: " + strPattern;
toadoX = (LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2;
toadoY = (LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2;
} // end of Ve duong cho cac mo hinh Crab, Butterfly, Bat
PTvalid = (V1Bar1 > P1Bar1 AND P1Bar1 > V1Bar2 AND V1Bar2 > P1Bar2) AND V1;
X = P1H2 Trong mo hinh` bear: Die^m X cao hon diem A. MyAX = X-> A
A = V1L2
B = P1H1
C = V1L1
myAX = P1H2-V1L2;
myAB = P1H1-V1L2;
myBC = P1H1-V1L1;
myAB_AX = myAB/ myAX;
myBC_AB = myBC/ myAB;
BearGartley4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > GBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < GBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > GCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < GCMax );
BearBat4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BatBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BatBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > BatCMin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BatCMax );
BearButterfly4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > BtBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < BtBMax )
AND ( myBC_AB > BtCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < BtCmin );
BearCrab4 = PTvalid AND ( myAB_AX > CBmin ) AND ( myAB_AX < CBmax )
AND ( myBC_AB > CCmin ) AND ( myBC_AB < CCmax );
BearABCD4 = PTvalid AND ( myBC_AB > abcd_Cmin) AND ( myBC_AB < abcd_Cmax );
strPattern = "";
// Bearish pattern found. D retracement level is not evaluated
dHigh = HighestSince(BearABCD4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearABCD4,L);
myA = ValueWhen(BearABCD4,V1L2);
myB = ValueWhen(BearABCD4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearABCD4,V1L1);
myCB = myB - myC;
my_d_min = myCB * abcd_DMin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myCB * abcd_DMax ;
my_Cd_min = myC + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Cd_max = myC + my_d_max;
BearABCD = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Cd_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Cd_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearABCD = BearABCD AND (dHigh > myB);
dHigh = HighestSince(BearGartley4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearGartley4,L);
myX = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,P1H2);
myA = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,V1L2);
myAX = myX - myA;
myB = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearGartley4,V1L1);
my_d_min = myAX * GDmin; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * GDMax;
my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max;
BearGartley = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearGartley = BearGartley AND (dHigh > myB); // diem D cao hon B
strPattern = WriteIf(BearGartley ,"BEARISH GARTLEY",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BearBat4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearBat4,L);
myX = ValueWhen(BearBat4,P1H2);
myA = ValueWhen(BearBat4,V1L2);
myAX = myX - myA;
myB = ValueWhen(BearBat4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearBat4,V1L1);
my_d_min = myAX * BatDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * BatDMax ;
my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max;
BearBat = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearBat = BearBat AND (dHigh > myB); // diem D cao hon B
strPattern = WriteIf(BearBat ,"BEARISH BAT",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BearButterfly4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearButterfly4,L);
myX = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,P1H2);
myA = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,V1L2);
myAX = myX - myA;
myB = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearButterfly4,V1L1);
my_d_min = myAX * BtDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * BtDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max;
BearButterfly = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearButterfly = BearButterfly AND (dHigh > myX); // diem D cao hon X
strPattern = WriteIf(BearButterfly ,"BEARISH BUTTERFLY",strPattern);
dHigh = HighestSince(BearCrab4,H); // Tinh' gia' tri min, max cua duong Ad. Duong Ad la duong con cua AD
dLow = LowestSince(BearCrab4,L);
myX = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,P1H2);
myA = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,V1L2);
myAX = myX - myA;
myB = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,P1H1);
myC = ValueWhen(BearCrab4,V1L1);
my_d_min = myAX * CDmin ; // Tinh' gia' tri cua duong Ad con. Khi gia' giam? tu` tre^n xuong' thi` max -> min
my_d_max = myAX * CDmax ;
my_Ad_min = myA + my_d_min; // Khoang dich chuyen cua duong Ad con.
my_Ad_max = myA + my_d_max;
BearCrab = IIf( ( dHigh > my_Ad_min ) AND ( dHigh < my_Ad_max )
AND ( dLow >= myC ) AND ( dHigh == H),
True, False
BearCrab = BearCrab AND (dHigh > myX); // diem D cao hon X
strPattern = WriteIf(BearCrab ,"BEARISH CRAB",strPattern);
BearHar4 = BearABCD4;
BearHar = BearABCD;
Point4 = IIf(BearHar,ValueWhen(BearHar4,bi),Null);
BearHar = IIf(BearHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BearHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BearHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BearHar),BearHar);
A = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L2);
Abar = ValueWhen( BearHar4,V1bar2);
B = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1H1);
Bbar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1bar1);
C1 = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L1);
C1bar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1bar1);
D = ValueWhen(BearHar,H);
Dbar = ValueWhen(BearHar,bi);
BCdAB = (B-C1)/(B-A);
BCdCD = (D-C1)/(B-C1);
PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar;
//--------- Ve duong ------------------
if(LastValue(Plotpattern) AND be)
ColorX = colorYellow;
// Ve duong AB, BC
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
// Viet cac gia tri Fibo tren duong AB, BC
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Bbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(B))/2,ColorX );
//---------- Viet cac diem A, B, C, D: by binhnd---------------------
xlech = -1;
ylech = 1;
PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) + ylech, ColorX );
//--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd--------------
if (strPattern!="")
myStr = "Pattern: BEARISH AB=CD";
toadoaX = LastValue(Abar);
toadoY = LastValue(D);
PlotText(myStr,toadoaX,toadoY+1,ColorX );
BearHar4 = BearGartley4 OR BearButterfly4 OR BearBat4 OR BearCrab4 ;
BearHar = BearGartley OR BearButterfly OR BearBat OR BearCrab ;
Point4 = IIf(BearHar,ValueWhen(BearHar4,bi),Null);
BearHar = IIf(BearHar, IIf(Point4 == ValueWhen(BearHar,point4,0) AND ValueWhen(BearHar,bi,0) > bi ,False,BearHar),BearHar);
X = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1H2);
Xbar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1Bar2);
A = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L2);
Abar = ValueWhen( BearHar4,V1bar2);
B = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1H1);
Bbar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,P1bar1);
C1 = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1L1);
C1bar = ValueWhen(BearHar4,V1bar1);
D = ValueWhen(BearHar,H);
Dbar = ValueWhen(BearHar,bi);
ABdXA = (B-A)/(X-A);
BCdAB = (B-C1)/(B-A);
ADdXA = (D-A)/(X-A);
BCdCD = (D-C1)/(B-C1);
PlotPattern = Dbar > C1bar;
//--------- Ve duong ------------------
if(LastValue(Plotpattern) AND be)
ColorX = colorRed;
// Ve duong XA, AB, BC
Plot( LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A)),"",ColorX ,styleThick);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Abar),LastValue(A),LastValue(C1bar),LastValue(C1)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Bbar),LastValue(B),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
Plot(LineArray(LastValue(Xbar),LastValue(X),LastValue(Dbar),LastValue(D)),"",ColorX ,styleDashed);
// Viet cac gia tri Fibo tren duong XA, AB, BC
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ABdXA),1.2),(LastValue(Bbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(B)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdAB),1.2),(LastValue(C1bar)+LastValue(Abar))/2,(LastValue(C1)+LastValue(A))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(BCdCD),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Bbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(B))/2,ColorX );
PlotText(NumToStr(LastValue(ADdXA),1.2) ,(LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2,(LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2,ColorX );
//---------- Viet cac diem X, A, B, C, D: by binhnd---------------------
xlech = -1;
ylech = 1;
PlotText("X",LastValue(Xbar) + xlech, LastValue(X) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("A",LastValue(Abar) + xlech, LastValue(A) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("B",LastValue(Bbar) + xlech, LastValue(B) + ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("C",LastValue(C1bar) + xlech, LastValue(C1) - ylech, ColorX );
PlotText("D",LastValue(Dbar) + xlech, LastValue(D) + ylech, ColorX );
//--------- Viet thuyet minh mo hinh: by binhnd--------------
if (strPattern!="")
strPattern = "Pattern: " + strPattern;
toadoaX = (LastValue(Dbar)+LastValue(Xbar))/2;
toadoY = (LastValue(D)+LastValue(X))/2;
PlotText(strPattern,toadoaX,toadoY+1,ColorX );
// Show diem ho^~ tro. va` khang' cu. ko?
plotFractals = ParamToggle("Plot Fractals","Off|On",1);
dkBull = False;
ListBull = ParamList("Type of Bullish", "None|AB=CD|Gartley|Butterfly|Bat|Crab|All Patterns", 6);
if ( ListBull == "None" ) dkBull = True;
if ( ListBull =="AB=CD" ) dkBull = BullABCD ;
if ( ListBull =="Gartley" ) dkBull = BullGartley ;
if ( ListBull =="Butterfly" ) dkBull = BullButterfly ;
if ( ListBull =="Bat" ) dkBull = BullBat ;
if ( ListBull =="Crab" ) dkBull = BullCrab ;
if ( ListBull =="All Patterns") dkBull = (BullABCD) OR (BullGartley) OR (BullButterfly ) OR (BullBat ) OR (BullCrab);
dkBear = False;
ListBear = ParamList("Type of Bearish", "None|AB=CD|Gartley|Butterfly|Bat|Crab|All Patterns", 0);
if ( ListBear == "None" ) dkBear = True;
if ( ListBear =="AB=CD" ) dkBear = BearABCD ;
if ( ListBear =="Gartley" ) dkBear = BearGartley ;
if ( ListBear =="Butterfly" ) dkBear = BearButterfly ;
if ( ListBear =="Bat" ) dkBear = BearBat ;
if ( ListBear =="Crab" ) dkBear = BearCrab ;
if ( ListBear =="All Patterns") dkBear = (BearABCD ) OR (BearGartley ) OR (BearButterfly ) OR (BearBat ) OR (BearCrab );
Filter = (dkBull) AND (dkBear);
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